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Hello everyone!! 💗

I've been working on this book for ages, and I'm so excited to finally start publishing it! My goal is to try and always stay a few chapters ahead (hopefully!).

I'm going to try something different with this book, where I include pictures!

Hopefully it will be helpful for people who aren't very imaginative (like me). I think it's so cool to be able to show you guys exactly what I envision as I'm writing, so I hope you enjoy it! Pretty much every picture I use will be from Pinterest ✨

There might not be pictures in every chapter, only when I feel like they're necessary/really want you guys to be picturing the same thing as me!

Let me know if you like/dislike the pictures, that way I'll know for future stories ☺️

Love you all, and I hope you enjoy! 🫶🏻

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