The final confrontation

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Joong's eyes widened as Dunk told him what happened. "Dunk, we have to go to the police, now."

Dunk shook his head. "No, Joong. We can't trust them. Max has too many connections."

Joong's face was grim. "Then what do we do?"

Dunk's jaw clanched. "We go into hiding. Until Max is brought down."

Joong nodded. "I am with you, Dunk. Always."

But as they packed their bags. Dunk knew that they were in for the fight of their lives.

Max would stop at nothing to get revenge. And Joong and Dunk were ready for him.

Two weeks later

Joong and Dunk had been hiding for 2 weeks, but they know Max would eventually find them.

One night they received a tip that Max was at an abandoned factory on the outskirts of town.

Dunk's eyes locked into Joong's. "This is it. Let's finish this.

Joong nodded, his hand on Dunk's shoulder. "Together."

They arrived at the factory, guns drawn. Max was waiting for them, a sneer on his face.

"You will never win, Dunk." Max spat. "I've too much power."

Dunk's smile was cold. "Not tonight, Max."

The two man exchange gunfire, but in the end, Dunk emerged victorious.

Max lay on the ground, his eyes wide with shock.

Dunk stood over him, his gun pointed at Max's head.

"Its over." Dunk said his voice firm.

And with that Dunk pulled the trigger.

Max body slumped on the ground, his regin of terror finally over.

Joong and Dunk walked away from the factory, hand in hand, ready to start their new life together.

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