Chapter 1

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Alex was only a three year old toddler and although his vocabulary wasn't very extended he loved singing. His soft high pitched voice singing children's songs he had learned from nursery, gesturing and moving around with the rhythm would amuse his parents. The little boy loved animals, especially horses lately, so when he saw that horse escaping from its owner in the middle of the streets of his neighbourhood in town his immediate instinct was to follow it, accidently wandering away from his parents and into the nearby park he he had seen the creature. He ran into five-year-old David who was also pursuing the wild animal into one of the big palm tree parks until they realized they got lost and didn't know how to get back.

David cursed his idea of going out by himself and looked at his young companion who was clearly younger but half as scared as him. Suddenly he saw baby Anna's parents with their little one. They recognized the family friend Alex and they scoulded him and asked David whether he was lost and where his parents were. Little Anna ran out into the forest in a moment of distraction and her parents started panicking, focusing again on their infant. Alex started crying and left in the other direction, clearly scared. David was only trying to get the toddler back with the adults and there they were again, lost once again in the stupidest way possible. Ironically, while trying to find their way back they bumped into baby Anna who about twenty months old by then and was unaccompanied and glad to see them.

Alex and David locked eyes with each other briefly. The eldest was crying in a panic whereas the younger was too young to care but got startled by the boy's negative expression. David covered his ears, seeing it coming, Anna was about to cry as well. That is when he recognized the younger boy. He was at that chocolate factory a few months ago!

That's when they saw the horse, galloping over a river like the most elegant white uncorn and crossing a thick treetrunk bridge that crossed a small but deadly waterfall, but it fell twice and was about to fall to its death. Alex stopped crying and stared at what he thought was a unicorn, only thinking about saving his favourite animal. The toddler jumped on the rocks and crossed the small stream onto the treetrunk bridge. David screamed and crossed the stream basically dragging little Anna to the other side, who surprisedly didn't cry.

The horse finally crossed the bridge and got lost into the bushes but Alex was in the middle, suddenly scared and crying, unable to go forward or backwards. The older toddler looked at him in fear, wishing a grown up would show up and fix that mess before someone fell to their death. Baby Anna pointed to where the animal had disappeared and sounded out the word "horsie" several times, since she wanted to follow the creature. The baby was only twenty months old but she was pretty talkative and he even sung melodies every once and a while.

They had to do something. In a selfless and pretty unconscious thought process David crept on the tree trunk bridge and got to the younger, but he wanted to go in the other direction and the older boy decided pulling and pushing on a dangerous waterfull bridge wasn't a wise idea, so he let go and the toddler ended up on the other side. David looked down and felt himself freeze. Why did he do that? Now he was stuck, freezing in panic and the easiest way was to follow Alex's path.

Anna had managed to start crossing the bridge, taking advantge of David being distracted by Alex's fate, and the older in an attempt to savethe baby had ended up following her into the dangerous ordeal. Long story short all the toddlers ended up on the wrong side of the bridge with no intention of going back. One near death experience was enough.

However, where were they? After crossing the bushes they saw the white horse, stuck on a treetrunk with the rope tangled around it. Alex decided he had to try and free the animal and the rope was pretty far away so he grabbed it and it easily gave way. The children followed the freed horse deeper into the wilderness, not remembering the park being so big. All of a sudden a beautiful middle aged woman in an elegant ball-like blue dress made her appereance. She looked at one of the younger toddlers, Alex and the crystal stone he had in his hands.

"Could it be? Such a young child?"

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