The Canvas of Heartbreak

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Atticus's heart was canvas, painted with pain,
When Calliope's emerald eyes met his, a love in vain.
Her gaze was a whispered secret, a gentle summer breeze,
That swept him off his feet, like a leaf on autumn's knees.
He tried to catch her eye, a fisherman reeling in,
But she was a mermaid, elusive, a siren's call within.
He showered her with gifts, a bouquet of sweet delight,
Hoping to break through, to make his love shine like a beacon in

But she remained a mystery, an enigma, a riddle unsolved,
Atticus's friends teased, calling him a knight with a quest unfulfilled.
Yet he refused to surrender, to hang his helmet on the wall,
For true love's a holy grail,
worth fighting for, standing tall.

Then truth hit him like a thunderbolt, a shockwave to his soul,
Calliope's already taken, a heart that's lost its goal.
Atticus felt like a shipwreck, a vessel on the rocks,
His heart a heavy anchor, weighed down by love's heavy socks.
Calliope approached, empathy in her eyes, a gentle summer rain,
"Atticus, I'm sorry, I'm already taken, I realize the pain."

Atticus's tears fell like a waterfall, his heart a symphony of sorrow,
But Calliope's words cut deep, a knife to his soul's tender tomorrow.
Yet she took his hand, a spark of electricity, a jolt of love,
"Let's be friends, Atticus, I value our unity, sent from above."
Atticus nodded, throat constricted with emotion, a bird in a
gilded cage,
He'd take friendship, anything to be near her love's sweet stage.
But neglect of studies caught up with him fast, a thief in the night,
He failed his exam, consequences hit hard, a bitter pill to
swallow in flight.
Devastated, Atticus wondered if he'd made a mistake, a wrong turn in the road,
Putting heart on sleeve, a love that would forsake a rose without
its thorn to hold.

Months passed, Atticus tried to move on, a phoenix from the ashes born,
Joined clubs, focused studies, surrounded by friends, a garden of
love reborn.

But memories of Calliope haunted him still, a ghost in his
mind's eye,
Seeing her in hallways, heart skipped a beat, a love that would
not die.
Calliope approached, hesitant smile on face, a sunrise in the

"Atticus, can we talk, a new pace, a love that's been repressed?"

He nodded, heart racing with anticipation, a drumbeat in his

"I value our friendship, don't want to lose this creation, our
love's best."

Atticus searched her eyes, for answers true, a sailor searching for a guiding star,
Knew he'd never love her the same, but friendship shone through, a love that's gone too far.
"Yeah, " he whispered, small smile on lips, a rose in full bloom,

"Let's start fresh, a new friendship's grips, a love that's in the

Together they walked, a newfound bond, a bridge between two

Atticus cherished this friendship, a love that never departs....

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