Suspicions and secrets

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The next day when I woke up everything was back to normal as if there wasn't an attack yesterday. Yvonne was also confused because clearly the leaders had some things to explain especially about the behemoth they never warned us about before.

But they didn't. Instead they provided us with new schedules. I was still the same for me but the time intervals were adjusted. It was also announced that later today we'd have an assembly in the main room,Sector 1.

After breakfast it was straight to Sector 2,where I had to be assisting with the investigation on the Death Mists but as usual,the 'superiors' bossed me around. They were just trainees that have been here for a few years but since I was a newbie, along with other trainees who had the same schedule as me,I had to follow the drill.

While sorting out some documents, I caught a glimpse of a familiar face talking to one of the Trainees.

President Ortega.

I glanced around the room, checking if anyone had an eye on me, luckily they were too busy on their computers. I then moved towards the door, keeping myself discreet as possible. I noticed the trainee he was talking to give him a document which he took and headed for the door.

I then increased my pace, bumping into a few people who blessed me with colorful words. Note the sarcasm.

"President Ortega." I whisper yelled when there was no one near by. He was quick to glance my way with an irritated face which flashed with recognition after a while.

"Hazel." He said before glancing around the room then he signaled me to follow him out.

We then headed down the hallway,people giving me strange glances as I trudged next to the president. He then opened a door leading me into an empty room.

"Speak." He said turning to me.

"I know you're hiding something from us,you and the other leaders who have us cooped up in here."

For a spit second I saw fear in his eyes but he was quick to cover it up. "I do not know what you are talking about." He said monotonously.

"I spoke to Cristina Sir and she told me everything,from the disappearance of the surviver in a coma." I think that did it because he then glanced around the room as if the walls had ear then he pulled me to a far corner.

"Listen to me and listen very carefully child." He maintained eye contact with me. "There are things you don't know that I don't know to but I can tell you this. Among the leaders there's a rat, who's working with the enemy or helping them. The enemy is not what we think they are,they are advanced and precise,what you saw out there was just the tip of the iceberg."

"But how can a human work with aliens? Why?"

"I don't know Hazel but don't dig into it. Because the more you dig the less chances you have to get out." Then he released me and walked out.

I was confused,I didn't know how to process what I've been told. Does this mean that like us humans,these aliens had a mind of their own? Or are they even more...



It was lunch time and as usual the cafeteria was packed. I was sitting alone on our usual spot waiting for Yvonne to arrive since her schedule showed that we had the same time intervals between our sessions,this we had lunch at the same time.

"Guess who?" I turned to see Gwen walking towards me with a tray in her hands. "Gwen." I said as a smile creeped to my face.

She then sat across me with a smile on her face as well. "I can't believe we have the same lunch schedule."

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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