CHAPTER TWELVE: "Growing Fascination"

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CHAPTER TWELVE: "Growing Fascination"

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CHAPTER TWELVE: "Growing Fascination"


Hongjoong POV:

Two weeks passed since having the not-so-truthful conversation with Minho, one where he seemed to accept without any further probing either. Part of me felt guilty for being vague about the matter, but another part of me felt a deeper sense of need to protect the male I've been dutifully seeking out once again. It was obvious that what started out as a simple assignment for payment had now turned into a personal goal, almost bordering the fine line of possible obsession.

The feeling I had while being around the male was unnatural for me, a feeling where despite the overall warnings of being near such a strange phenomenon was dangerous, I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth. A normal person would consider themselves insane for not only being in the same place as one like him, but also for willing to indulge in conversation with such a male. The aura of protectiveness I instantly felt around him was something I've never felt before in my life, and the warmth from the kiss, ever so fleeting, made me crave it more now that it's gone.

However, ever since the night we shared a moment where I considered forming an unspoken bond of trust, I had yet to see any sort of sign of him again. Each night after, I found myself combing through the city in places where some had deemed having their own sightings of nightly creatures, but as my luck would have it, I would end up short on anything close. It almost felt as if he was toying with me, and I couldn't help but wonder if him sharing his secrets with me cause an unintended consequence as a result.

It was now Monday, exactly two weeks later and a night later, and amongst the dark sky and its decoration of stars, I sat in my car at yet another possible location for sighting him. Tonight destination was a library, but instead of being a popular spot for many people, it was near the outskirts of Seoul. The idea of him showing up at a place like this was close to impossible, but I couldn't help but try anyway. Plus, based on knowledge gathered by patrons who were fully immersed in the world of possibilities regarding the supernatural, I felt like the impossible may indeed be possible. This library was one that on the exterior seemed to be run down and disheveled, but on the interior, held a plethora of books for anyone interested in basically anything from the supernatural to the extraterrestrial.

Stepping out the vehicle, I fixed my beanie on my head as a powerful wind gust blew against me. Dressed in a black trench coat and accompanied long sleeve with slacks, I made my way towards the doors of the library. One thing that never left me was my fondness of reading, to lose myself in the world transcribed onto each page of paper within a book. It was one form of coping where I felt the most drawn to, and it made me feel some sort of semblance of happiness to do it as well.

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