Land and sea

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They all stared at me like I was crazy but in my defense I think they probably weren't gonna eat me anymore. In fact I noticed that they had helped me once I finished taking inventory of myself. My arm and tail were patched up pretty good for being done by someone of a different species. There seemed to be three of them although at first I thought I might be seeing double with how similar the blond ones looked. I'm assuming that the younger one is the one that saves me since he's drenched in water but he's staring at me weird. I rub my face to see if there's anything on it but he's not really staring at my face I don't think, maybe it's just the tail.

"Hey uh, don't worry we won't eat you but why don't you put this on for now okay" the taller and I'm assuming older blond hands me a weird thing of cloth, it looks like it's made of three cylindrical parts, one large and the other two smaller and on either side of the first and I assume it's meant to go over my torso since my tail would look weird in that so I just slip it on. The smaller blond blushes, did I put it on wrong, did I do something offensive? The taller one slaps the smaller a bit and he snaps out of it and they start sailing back to land.

I've never been on land and never really wanted to but it was pretty. The sun was high and the sky was a clear blue. It was like another ocean just one that was always out of reach. I thought about my home, my grandfather. He was so smart and had done so much in his life. I had wanted to go on adventures like him some day but when I was about four my tail got hurt by a boat. I don't actually remember much Of that because, well I had been four at the time, but since then my grandfather had kept me close to home. Sometimes it made me really mad, my tail was perfectly fine now, in fact I was one of the fasted merpeople I knew but I always did as he told.

Now I had disobeyed him and swum into shark territory THEN human territory and look where it got me, hurt and captured by humans like a common trout. This was most definitely getting back to my grandfather by now but I doubt he could do much once they got me to land. What even were they going to do with me? I kind of doubt they would eat me but that doesn't mean they won't dissect me to see how I work or toss me in some filthy, cramped little aquarium. Oh god what if they have other mermaids in some crowded tank all fighting for food! I started panicking a bit, trying to find a safe way out of here but it seemed They where already docking and the taller blond man was picking me up.

"Where the blazes are we going to take her?" The brunette man asked "we can't very well take her to a doctor and it would be kind of insulting to take her to a vet" I looked around a bit and pouted, it was odd not being involved in a conversation about yourself.

"Yah well, Jake, I think a better question is how the fuck do we get her there without anyone noticing the giant fish girl?" The smaller blond asks "EXCUSE YOU!? The word I believe you are looking for is MERMAID!" Man what an ass face. They were all looking at me and the older blond started laughing and the smaller one looked angry and his face had gone red.

"We could cover her in a blanket and put her in your pool. This might actually work chaps!" The brunet, that I was assuming was jake, said. He sounded chipper and that relaxed me a bit. Letting the larger blond carry me.

The sun felt good on my face and the breeze was nice. The three men were chatting a bit. It was nice, all of it, there was just something in the air. It was dry but that might not be bad. There were people talking and laughing.

Where I come from everyone was more then a little restricted. There were so many things we couldn't do. But here, here there was so much freedom. I couldn't help but smile. It was all so pretty.

"Yo mermaid chick, stop acting so excited" the smaller blond complains. I had thought he was pretty cool at first for saving me, and he was pretty cute but he was so god damn grumpy.

"Dave calm your God damn buns, she's a guest and experiencing at least some of this stuff for the first time" the larger blond said with the slightest of smirks. At least most of the humans I had met so far had been nice.

I took another look around and made guesses of what different things would be, really just being silly. Some of the things I thought of were so funny I started l giggling out loud causing the three men around me to look at me like I grew an extra tail or something and so I decided to just relax.

(Hey sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. Just a bit of writers block but I hope you enjoy)

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