Chapter 23

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A/N: Hi guys I know I haven't been updating as much as I should and I am so sorry I just want you guys to know that I love each and every one of you and I am back. I will try my best to update more and keep the story rolling. Thank you all for supporting me this far and being the great fans that you are. I have loved the responses this story has gotten and if you have read any of my works you know that I finish what I start so bare with me. Without further or do this is the next chapter and I will be working on the next hopefully later on today so I can get it out sooner.

Ashley's Pov

When Dreydon walked into the door I knew something was wrong. 

"Did something happen?" I asked concerned. He didn't answer which gave me all the answers I needed as he sat beside me silently. After a few minutes that felt like hours he finally spoke.

"The pack is being threatened" 

"What" I couldn't believe it. I know I haven't been here long but how could have missed something as big as the pack being attacked. 

"Liam's trying to keep it quiet and sort everything out but it doesn't look good. Security has basically been tripled which means I'll have to spend more time away from you. He'll probably have my head if he catches me here with you right now I'm supposed to be making sure the other idiots do their jobs" I could since his frustration and I couldn't help but be upset with Liam. I barely knew the guy but I was starting not to like him. I know Dreydon was the beta but I couldn't help but be angry about him having to spend even more time away from me. Maybe I was selfish but we were mates, we were still trying to figure each other out and have conversations without arguing. How was I supposed to really get to know him if he was never around? He was right about alphas. They were supposed to be leaders but the didn't hesitate to dish out orders and place the burden on others. It wasn't fair.

"It's my job" he said as if he was reading my thoughts. I could tell he loved being beta but I couldn't help but wonder if it would always be this way. Would I always have to be without him? I was the daughter of a beta and mated to a beta but it wasn't until now that I fully understood what that meant. I knew my Dad's position was an honor and that he was powerful but I never realized how much I took it for granted. The days he didn't come home, that times he wouldn't get in until late, the nights my mother cried herself to sleep because she was worried and missing him. Some days he would come in so tired he could barely stay awake but he still managed to smile. I ignored the signs and even when he wanted to spend time with me I was always busy shopping or with some boy. Just thinking about those days had me feeling so much guilt it took everything in me not to burst into tears. What I wouldn't give to spend time with him now, hear his voice. 

A tear escaped and I felt the sparks as Dreydon wiped it away with the pad of his thumb. 

"Why are you crying?" I wanted to tell him I couldn't help it, that I missed my Dad but I didn't want to sound like a child. Besides there was nothing to be done. I brought this on myself. I wouldn't risk their lives by trying to contact them.

"It's nothing. I'm fine" by the look on his face he knew I was lying. 

"Why are you lying to me? I thought we agreed that we would trust one another" he didn't sound upset just disappointed. For some reason that hurt more. 

"I do trust you, more than anything, you know that. I just didn't want you to think of me as childish and there's nothing either of us can do about it anyway" 

"I won't think any less of you you should know that and don't say there is nothing I can do. Haven't you learned never to underestimate me? Just tell me what's wrong I hate seeing you cry" I had no choice but to tell him after that even though I knew I was right.

"I was thinking about my Dad. He was a beta and I never realized how much I took him for granted. He did so much for me, my mom, and the pack I never really thought about how hard he worked and how much he sacrificed for us to have everything that we did. I just wished I could have said bye you know. I wish I could have told him how much I appreciated and loved him. I'll never get a chance to see him again and listening to you just now made me realize how selfish I was. Look at me I sound like a five year old crying for her Daddy" I said smiling through my tears. 

"You don't sound childish at all. There isn't a day that goes by I don't miss my parents but unlike yours mine aren't alive. I will find a way for you to see them again. I promise you that" he had a look of determination on his face and I wanted to believe him but I wouldn't get my hopes up.

"It's too dangerous. Besides they could be killed for treason if I had any contact with them. I won't risk it. I've been too selfish far too long I can't put them in danger. I also can't put you in danger by allowing you to do something like that just to make me happy. If they caught you" I couldn't finish the sentence. I didn't want to think of what could happen to him. To my surprise he just laughed. 

"You're sweet and that's cute you actually think I would get caught. Trust me you don't have to worry about anything happening to me" He kissed me before he walked out the door and left. I couldn't help but smile. He was my beta, my bad beta.

Bad Beta (Sequel to Mate She Rejected)Where stories live. Discover now