Chapter 34

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It's amazing how time passes when you know the end is near. The hours felt like minutes, the second felt nonexistent. I'm not sure when I reached the point of acceptance. Maybe it was during the silence, maybe it was when Dreydon made it clear that he would follow me in death if that was our fate. It may have even been long ago when all of this began. Who was I to believe that there would be a happily ever after for someone like me. I guess on some level I always knew that being selfish never got you anywhere. That good things are meant for good people despite all the false hopes given to the evil. I was spoiled, rich, vain, cruel even. So part of me understands this is what I deserve. Greed and power are worthless. Its just unfortunate that it took me all this time to realize it. The irony of it all is laughable. Just when I found love, just when I discover how meaningful it is to have someone that is truly meant for me it all gets ripped away. No matter how much I wish I would have done things differently my past has caught up to me and now I have to pay the ultimate price and so does my mate. The mistakes I made have determined my future and the best I can hope for now it that it will be over soon and I can find peace with Dreydon. I'm angry at him for the decision that he has made but there is nothing that I can do. I will forever be grateful that I found him. He was the only good thing to come from all of this. 

"Let me hold you" 

His voice brings me out of my thoughts and I go to him. Being wrapped in his arms, for what felt like the last time was indescribable. I would cherish this moment. This would be what I would hold on to always.

"Don't be afraid. Whatever happens don't be afraid. I want Liam and this pack to remember this day for the rest of their lives. Wewill not show weakness" 

I nod in agreement. I know he is still angry underneath it all and he wants to protect me the same way I want to protect him. But we are both too stubborn to let the other have their way. The cell door  opens and Sean is back.

"It's time. Let's go" he says with that smirk on his face that I wish I could claw off. He enters the cell and before I know it Dreydon grabs him. Before he could get a word out he took several punches to the face only to end up lying on the floor with is neck broken.

" He should have known that I would end him if he got too close. Bastard" 

I didn't know what to say.

"If we die today we die but they will remember us. You ready?" 

I should have known that Dreydon wouldn't go down without a fight. He was right. If this was our final day on earth we would make it count and take as many of them with us as we could. 

"I'm ready"

He smiled at me and took the lead. He began tearing through every guard insight as we made our way out. I backed him up when he needed it me but he was a man on a mission. The alarm began to sound as we made it to the front of the run down building. The alpha and other reinforcements were no doubt on their way.

"We have to hurry" he said pulling me along. When we made it to the entrance we were surrounded. 

"Going somewhere?" 

Liam was standing there and I had never seen him look so unkempt. He was loosing it, that much was obvious. No, he had lost it. He was no longer the calm and put together alpha that I had grown to know.  He was a man bordering on insanity. 

"You are going to come with us and have your trial or you can die right here right now. It makes no difference to me." His voice was low and cruel and despite Dreydon saying we would no show weakness I couldn't help but feel a little intimidated and afraid.

"Liam you motherfucker I can't believe you would believe this of me after everything. I dedicated my life to this pack. I damn near died protecting it. You were like a brother to me. I don't give a damn about a trial. If you don't trust me, if you really believe that I am capable of those things then lets end it here and now."

I was so proud of Dreydon in that moment. So proud that he was saying his piece and standing up for himself. I always admired his strength and seeing him like this only made that admiration grow.

"Take them and lets get this over with" Some men grabbed us and silver cuffs were placed on our wrists. 

We came to a clearing and the whole pack surrounded us. 

"We are here to get justice for all those we have lost. We are here to put an end to this madness and restore this pack to what it once was. All of you here today will bare witness to what happens to traitors in this pack. All of you will go home tonight and know that your leader is strong and not one to betray. Let this be a lesson to all. No matter you status nor your rank, disloyalty will not be tolerated"

Cheers from the crowd emerged. Liam removed a black cloth covering something unrecognizable and my breath caught in my throat. They were  going to behead us like in medieval times. There you be no chance of healing, no chance of survival.

"Strap them in" 

We were dragged to the guillotine and our arms were placed into the holes restricting the movement of our arms. This was it.

"Dreydon I love you" I said as a tear escaped. 

"I love you too. See you soon" 

I closed my eyes and waited. Waited for the blade that would end my life to drop.

Alright you guys I know its been forever but I hoped you liked this chapter. There is one possibly to chapters left and Bad Beta is officially over. This is been so much fun to write and I can't thank all of you enough for sticking around through the long journey. The next chapter will be sometime this week so not another long wait. I also plan to get back to Rare Jewels after this one is over so bare with me.

Bad Beta (Sequel to Mate She Rejected)Where stories live. Discover now