Chapter 6

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A/N: Hi guys another chapter go me :-)  Anyway I just want to give a shout out to @amoluvya for taking the time to make the awesome cover off to the side. This is the first of two that she made and I think she is a really amazing fan so I had to display her work. Her next cover will be featured in the next chapter. I hope you all are liking the story so far and the next up date shouldn't be too long. Thank you all for reading the this sequel as well as the prequel and any of my other works you guys are awesome :-)

Dreydon's POV

When I walked in the room there she was sleeping like she had been waiting for me. Never had she looked so peaceful, innocent even. It bothered me because I knew she was far from it.

"Ashley" I said and her eyes flew open. When she looked at me with those piercing blue eyes I felt things I shouldn't.

"What are you doing up here I thought you would still be out with Jessica getting a tour of the outside" I questioned. She stretched her muscles and I had to fight the urge to fuck her as I admired her body. I watched as her whole deamenor changed and I knew there was something on her mind.

"Yeah I was until something interesting happened and it was cut short" I tried acting as if I didn't care but something was telling I was about to get pissed.

"What?" I asked making sure to keep my emotions in check.

"We ran into Celeste" she said like it was supposed to rattle me. I wasn't impressed. I honestly didn't give a damn. They were bound to run into each other at some point.


"Well it seems like she might have been following us since she showed up right in the middle of a very important conversation. One that concerned you" If she was trying  to get my attention she succeeded. I should have known Jessica would open her damn mouth. She always talked to much and was overly friendly.

"What did she tell you?" To say I was pissed wouldn't come close to what I was feeling. I needed to know how much damage had been done before I decided on what to do about the situation.

"I said what did she tell you?" She wasn't answering me and I was getting angrier by the second. I knew any minute my wolf would surface. I would loose myself to the beast within just like I always did when that part of my past was brought up or exposed. Before I knew it I was standing in front of her full of rage but she wasn't afraid.

"What are you hiding from me?" Her question took me by surprise and I actually though I saw concern in her eyes but I knew it was nothing more than curiosity.

"There are things about me that you don't know. Things I want to forget. The less you know about my past the better. So I'll ask you again. What did she tell you?" I saw confusion, realaiztion and then what I thought was hurt but had to be something else written on her face before she finally answered.

"Nothing. When Celeste showed up she said anything I wanted to know I should ask you" For once I was glad Celeste was a bitch. She was crazy but she was loyal which is why I kept her around before I met Ashley. Whenever females got clingy she helped get rid of them. She had a knack for being viscious and ran them off easily. Plus she was always available when I was desperate for a release. Other than that the other men she had in her spare time didn't bother me. She thought I would get jealous but I had no feelings for her.

"Good" I was relieved that Ashley knew nothing. Otherwise I would have to deal with a pissed off Gamma for punishing Jessica. I would still have to have a one on one with the both of them as a reminder.

"She also said you wouldn't trust me enough to tell me. Looks like she was right about that too" I went from being angry to frustrated. Did she have to make everything about her?

"Drop it. This has nothing to do with trust or you" I really wanted her to shut the hell up but she wouldn't let it go.

"Then what does it have to do with Dreydon because it sure as hell seems that way"

I couldn't take it any more. I snapped at her.

"Will you just fucking let it go Ashley dammit" My fist went through the wall as I fought to control my temper.

"Fine. But I will find out. Who is Celeste to you anyway your little whore? Is that why she knows and I don't? I'm supposed to be your mate. What did you two do stayed holed up in here fucking and trading secrets?" I couldn't believe it. Was she jealous? I couldn't help but burst out laughing. The fact that she thought she could do anything around here without my consent was laughable. On top of that she was pissed about Celeste after all the men she'd been with.

"You won't find out a damn thing unless I allow it. And you want to talk about me fucking Celeste? Okay fine. I did. Is that what you wanted to hear? Does that make you feel better knowing that after you've been with countless men?" I expected her to be hurt, cry even like most girls would have. But she surprised me. She wasn't hurt at all. She wasn't trying to mask her emotions because she felt nothing but perhaps rage.

"You were one of them so what difference does it make. You slept with who you wanted to before you met me and I did the same. I'm not ashamed of what I did. I had every right to do what I wanted with my body. You don't own me, not then, not now not ever and that little statement you made just makes you sound like a hypocrite so get over yourself. It's not my fault men find me attractive and I sure as hell won't apologize for being to hot for them to resist"

I took in her words. She has to realize that she should hold herself to a higher standard and that's something she would have to learn on her own but I would help teach her. She was right about the fact that she could do what she wanted with her body, but that was before she met me. She was wrong  when she said I didn't own her. In time she would see how much I did.

"Look I don't give a fuck who you've been with you're mine and you weren't complaining about me owning you a few hours ago before we got interrupted. Celeste is just a girl I was with nothing more nothing less" I saw her visibly relax. Those were the words she needed to hear. Even though she soil never admit it she needed to know that I didn't have feelings for Celeste.

"She doesn't seem to think that" Her voice softened. Her guard was dropping and she almost looked vulnerable.

"Doesn't matter what she thinks she knew what she was getting into" Confusion and wonder was written all over her face and I wanted to know what she was thinking in that moment. Lucky for me I didn't have to wait long because she was the type to speak her mind whether people wanted her to or not.

"So tell me what am I getting myself into then? I know next to nothing about you and you seem dermined to keep me in the dark. Am I just another girl to you? Another toy for you to play with until you get bored because if I am I would like to know now"

"Are you telling me you want to be something more?" She went silent and I could see the wheels turning as her body tensed. She didn't know what she wanted. She didn't see forever with me. She didn't see me as the one man she could be devoted to forever. The look on her face was enough to let me know that commitment was not in her nature just like it wasn't in mine.

"Look I didn't promise you anything. I did what I had to as a mate which was protect you but I didn't sign up for anything more than that" I didn't want her to think I would force her to love me, make her into something she was not. If she couldn't love me on her own then I didn't want her to love me at all. She didn't bare my mark because it would make feelings more intense, uncontrollable. I didn't like the idea of not being in control. I wasn't in love with her and there was no point in pretending.

"I never asked for anything more and don't make promises you can't keep" The way she said it left no room for misinterpretation. We were mates but only in the physical since and that was something I wasn't sure would ever change. She was more like me than I thought.

"Then we understand each other"

"I guess so"

It was like an unspoken agreement that neither of us would change who we were. This was the way things would be.

Bad Beta (Sequel to Mate She Rejected)Where stories live. Discover now