2 - Note to self: don't let strangers into your workplace.

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The combination of Monday morning rush hour, and the speed restrictions meant that Elio's blacked-out Jeep wrangler, trailed across the city at the impressive speed of a snail. Finally, we rolled up to the glass building bathed in golden sunlight. I would have been happy to sit here and take in the beauty of the scene if I wasn't already 15 minutes late with no way to sneak in.

The car came to a halt on the yellow lines outside, as Elio cleared his throat, before getting out and walking around to open my door like a chauffeur. I shot him an amused smile as I said my thanks, climbing out of the SUV, ensuring the wide legs of my navy trousers didn't catch on anything that could send me tumbling to the ground. The realisation that our outfits were unintentionally matching - although only the collar of my shirt could be seen since a grey, chunky knit jumper covered the rest - hit me as I stared from my outfit to Elio's.

"We're matching." I pointed out, extending my leg to really get the point across.

"It's a popular colour." He replied coolly, not knowing where this conversation was going.

"Now it makes sense as to why people were staring back at the coffee shop. It must've seemed like I had just tipped a whole drink down the shirt of my date."

"Date?" He mused, leaning over as he shut the door of the jeep with a thud, quickly filling the space it had taken up. "Do continue."

"Matching outfits, a cute coffee shop. It's the perfect breakfast date." This time I got a genuine smile. One that wasn't held back, but revealed the dimple on either cheek that had been hidden by short, dark stubble.

He ran a hand through his hair, pushing the rogue strands off of his forehead, as he leant down - the unruly strands going straight back to their spot.

"I can assure you, that is not the only reason they were staring."

He was close enough to feel the warmth of his breath cut through the chill of the morning, gliding over my ear, as the spicy cedarwood scent of his cologne flooded my nose. His gravelly tone sent a shiver down my spine, but before I could even ask what that meant, he was gone and walking straight towards the glass doors of Bruno enterprises.

"Elio." I called out, trying to keep my voice as quiet as possible, as I struggled to catch up without my heels falling down the cracks in the pavement.

Before I knew it, I bustled through the doors and stood alongside Elio as he took in the impressive, marble reception. He blew out a whistle, catching the attention of the receptionists, as the clicking of his shoes matched the sound of their keyboards.

"Impressive." He said to no-one in particular.

His presence filled up the lavish room in an instant, capturing also the attention of the bodyguards dotted around - their eyes fixed on the man I just seemingly brought in.

I watched his every step like a hawk, as he walked around the room, both of his hands in the pockets of his trousers, examining the artwork dotted around the walls.

It wasn't until the door on the lift sent a loud ding through the silence. Suddenly frozen, I got the sinking feeling that Elio being here was not going to go down well.

"Elio, how long has it been? 10 years?"

Instead of walking to meet Mr Fontana, who had his arms outstretched like you would to a toddler, he scooted over to my side crossing his arms to his chest without saying a word.

The muscle in his jaw worked for a few seconds before he spoke. "Dante, it's never long enough."

It was at that moment, I wished the ground would swallow me up, but to my surprise the old man's deep laughter came in response, making Elio's jaw twitch once again.

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