red is the color of anger and... casual situationships.

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the two girls had just gone through a roller coaster of emotions. down and up and up higher then way down again.

red had just crushed chloe's heart. the blue haired girl took red's heart and bandaged it up; protected it from the cruelness of the world and the even more people inside of it.

as chloe fast-walked away from red, she wondered where she'd gone wrong. did she take it too far? was this moving too quick? just as the answer to her main question was revealed, more were planted in her brain.

red's words replayed inside chloe's head, can we just be casual right now? the redhead spoke in chloe's mind, I don't really like labels much.

red even spoke with a small smile. it seemed awkward, and forced. but chloe didn't care what the emotions were behind it. she didn't think red deserved to smile after that. in that moment, as she came down the halls of Auradon Prep, she almost wished she had left red to deal with her problems instead of helping her out.

but chloe didn't mean that. she went through everything red was going through now before. it was just her anger getting to her in that moment.

as chloe walked down said halls, she thought deeply about what red said, about being casual. about not liking labels.

chloe hadn't even fucked her, but she knew whatever they had was far from casual.

chloe turned around the corner, walking closer to the stairway leading to the hall the dorm of the two "casual" girls.

suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by the screaming redhead behind her. the sound was loud and startling to chloe, but she didn't flinch. instead, she quickened her pace. but red was catching up. red came around the corner, not far behind chloe, less than 15 feet. red was shouting for chloe to come back, to talk to her.

"please," she cried, "let's just talk about this!" but chloe wouldn't listen. her pace was speeding up. chloe met the stairway, quickly shuffling up each step one by one. just as chloe reached the top, red reached the first step. chloe kept walking and red finally met the last step, and was now sprinting after the blue haired girl in front of her, quickly catching up.

red shed a singular tear. at last, the red-head got close enough to chloe that she could grab her shoulder. when she did, chloe barely flinched. in fact, she quickly turned around to face red. chloe had been crying as she walked, her cheeks now puffy and red; tear stained. but when she looked at red, something snapped inside of her. she started sobbing. not just the crying that was already happening, but actual, truthful, sobbing. her bottom lip quivered. her hands trembled, quickly meeting each other to fidget with her gold rings and pick at the already peeling skin around her fingers. subsequently, her palm leisurely met the smooth skin on her face, enveloping her plump, pink lips.

the look on chloe's face wasn't scared. in fact, there was no trace of fear at all. instead, there was only a look of disappointment.

and in that moment, red knew she had gone wrong.

red came out of her deep thoughts when chloe ran away from red. she instinctively chased after her, but chloe was much faster than her. red guessed it was from all of that swords and shields training.

eventually, red lost her. the girls had already passed their dormitory, therefore, the red-head was extremely curious as to where her princess had run off to.

hopefully she didn't loose a glass slipper on her way out, thought red. she often used jokes to calm herself down, but even she sensed that one was too far for a moment like this.

red stopped in the middle of the hallway, giving up on finding her roomate. she just assumed that chloe would come back to the dorm eventually, they would make up, possibly make out, and the girls would be cool again.

boy was she wrong.


chloe had actually hidden from red. she went to the courtyard, and went behind a large pillar, watching to see if red came. she knew red more than anyone, regardless of how long she has known her for. she knew red would come to the little picnic table right in the corner. and she did. she grabbed a quick smoothie from the snack table and sat at a picnic table, staring into the nothingness as if deep in her own thoughts. chloe took that as her queue to sneak away.

she exited the courtyard and headed for the dorm, packing just the amount of clothes and hygiene products for around a week.

she was going back to cinderellasburg.


👀🍵(sips tea)

erm what the flip!😔👏

okay so ik i said this would be a long chapter but i sorta lied... this is very very short. but i'll put out another tomorrow trust! pls don't hate me for what's going on in the story rn.😔 i know this wasn't a whole lot going on but it needed to happen in order for this plot line to work.

also guys, i've been looking over your votes on that update i put out. i've been seeing that most people want a medium length book, glassheart together in the middle of the book, and a whole new glassheart story after this. lmaooo so funny cause that is what i was thinking of doing in the first place! lmk if you have any other ideas tho, im all ears‼️😉 luv u!

xo, irie <3

red is the color of love and anger.Where stories live. Discover now