Chapter I: Melbourne Achinoam Fantine

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Oh dear... where do I exactly start... oh! I know... let me explain how this exactly happened in the first place...

 let me explain how this exactly happened in the first place

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??? POV:

Ugh... what the hell... it just felt like I went through a whole fever dream where I saw someone brutally murdered. What has been going on in my head lately..??

"Melbourne!! Your bath is ready and you wouldn't want the water to get cold!!" I heard a voice yell from my bathing quarters... I sighed softly before I responded back as I sat up from my luxurious bed.

"I'll be there in just a minute, Sarah!" I pulled off the plush blanket off my body and stretched a bit before going into my bathroom. I saw my personal maid, Sarah, who was checking if the water didn't go cold in an instant out of nowhere. Sarah quickly noticed me when I entered and ran over to me.

"You're never this late to your bathing routine! Has something happen..? Yet, nevertheless, I'm still going to help you out with your sleeping garments. You have a big day ahead of you!!" Sarah began to help me get undressed just so I could bathe in the warm bubble bath she had prepared for me beforehand... like she always does... It didn't take long for me to finally get in the water from the tub... Sarah's nimble hands worked on getting the dirtiness off of my skin and hair. Meanwhile, I just stared into space but not without her finally breaking the silence that was between me and her. "You know, Mel, there will be a line of princes who'd love a girl like you! It's not every day a prince will instantly fall over heels for you!!"

I let out a small laugh when she said that. Even though she and I had different levels in the hierarchy, we got along well... I had a doubtful and playful tone in my voice when I responded to her little comment. "Heh, oh please! You know those princes will end up getting over me in a second and cheat on me. They only care about looks and women who'd keep their mouth shut... I'm not like that... I'll NEVER be like that..." I swore I felt Sarah's eyes glare at me in suspicion before going back to the soft eyes I knew. God, even though Sarah is usually the more quiet and soft-spoken woman, she can be more than that... yet it wasn't long until she finally finished and helped me out the bathtub before putting on a robe for me. She dragged me out of the bathroom and began to pick out a dress for the day. I watched her quick movements going back and forth around in my wardrobe before she had found a dress that was good enough for me... I really didn't like wearing the dresses since it itched and hurt a lot and it's a bit difficult to maneuver in but I had to wear it anyway since I really didn't have the choice to not wear it.. Sarah started to assist me with putting on my garments and undergarments. I was set for the day... Sarah started leading me out of my chambers before I could even comprehend what to do, and I rushed over to her. I was listening to her little rants over doing the multiple orders my mother and father put on her, and I couldn't deny that it sounded like hell... it wasn't long until Sarah brought me to the dining room... the long table distancing me from my father, mother, and my five sisters... I quickly made my way to my chair for breakfast, but my peace had to be cut off from my father, Vatomir Achinoam Fantine...

"What took you so long..? You usually get to the dining table way before your sister's..." My father stated in a stern and gruff tone. He looked up from him food as he glared at me, waiting for an answer, but thankfully, my mother sighed and put a hand on his arm.

"Darling, let the girl be... it's most likely that she wasn't able to get a good night's sleep... and it's fine if she comes a few minutes late. It's not like we're going to die..!" My mother defended me in that soft and gentle tone of hers that somehow calmed down my father a bit... I still needed to know how she's able to do that... I heard my father mumble, "Fine..." to her before he went back to eating breakfast... I gave my mother a thankful glance before I began to dig in and relish my food... God, it tasted so delicious as always...

☆《Grr Time skip bc I'm too lazy to do more of the breakfast scene》☆

Melbourne's POV:
I walked out of the dining room feeling full... I decided to go out into the garden to get some air and time to myself. I glided over the milky white marble floor of the palace, my steps moving in graceful movements, as to make sure I don't suddenly trip. I got to the garden doors entrance and politely asked the guards to open it which they accepted and I waltzed my way in... seeing the beautiful flowers and plants were like a heaven to me... especially the gorgeous lake that has been in the garden for years and yet it still looks beautiful... the blue water shimmering under the light of the sun... the lily pads in the water floating around with the lotus have been a counterpart... but not as magnificent as the statue towering a few feet away from the lake... two figures holding onto each other... I quickly went around the lake and stood infront of the statue... admiring the details in it... I looked down at the engraved letters at the base...

"I promise I won't leave you
my darling... Only a fool
would do that to you..."

It was always a meaningful thing to me... it felt like someone was saying that to me... but something felt off about it... like it would really happen to me...

Like someone is committed to me
for the wrong reasons...

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