[At Morning in the Uni]
[With Ro and Harry]
Ro- tf where is here ?
Harry- I don't know he said "wait for me I will come soon"
Ro- I'm telling you we will be late on our first Day
Harry- think positive bRo
Ro- Yeah Su---
Yas- GUYSSSSSS [Yas came towards them while running]
Ro- Finally let's go
Yas- Yes but listen we first need to go at the principals office for your schedule's
Harry- Oh ok let's go then
Yas- Yeah
[3 of them started to walk towards the principal office]
*at the principal office*
Principal- Ohh welcome
Ro/Harry- Thank u Sir
Yas- Sir Their Schedule
Principal- Oh yes here [Gave them a paper]
Ro- Ohh thank u
Yas- Let's go
Harry- Yes
Principal- best of luck
Ro/harry- Yes sir
[3 of them came outside and suddenly Ro dumped into someone's rock hard chest and that person held Ro by his waist]
Ro- tf watch out [Ro looked up and saw a handsome face]
Shub- Are u ok ?
Ro- Ha ? [Ro was staring his soul off]
Shub- [wave his hand in front of Ro's face] Mm u there ?
Ro- Oh yes [came back on the earth and stand straight and Shub leave his waist] watch out kid
Shub- Yeah Sorry
Rishu- Let's go Principal is waiting
Yas- What did u do now ?
Rishu- That mother fucker son of bitch Karan Singh tried to provoke us and fight with us so Shub took the metal rod and hit him nothing much and I broke the leg of one of his friend
Yas- wtf are u guys crazy...Rahul u could have stop them [look at Rah who was busy while looking at Harry] Rahul !!! [He came back on the earth]
Rah- yes Sir
Yas- you could have stop them
Rah- But They didn't listen to me
Rishu- Yes and one of them even abuse Rah how could we hold back ?
Yas- You could have told me about it
Shub- and then what ? Do this principal would have believe us ? Fuck no....let's go guys
[3 of them went inside][And Yas,Ro and Harry started to walk towards staff room]
Ro- what's wrong with them ?
Yas- They are typical back benchers and also they are good unless and until someone try to mess with them first
Harry- Oh got it btw what's your Classroom Yas ?
Yas- Mm mine is 125
Ro- Mine is 145
Harry- mine is 133
Yas- Ohh we are on the same floor
Ro- Yes I have 2nd lecture in your class Yas

Cause You could be the beauty and I could be the monster || BL
FanfictionTop- Shubman Bottom- Rohit See it by yourself !!