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[Ro went towards Shub]

Ro- What happen Shub you are looking tensed ?

Shub- No nothing why ?

Rah- Nahh bhabi ask him...there is something wrong with him we will go you talk with him

Ro- Yeah

Shub- Come here [pointing towards his Lap]

Ro- Ok Ok

[Ro sat on Shub's lap and Shub Wrapped his hands around Ro....his right hand was caressing Ro's stomach while his left hand was interwine with Ro's Left hand and Ro's back was touching his chest]

Ro- say Now ?

Shub- I don't know...I'm feeling something strange

Ro- Mm with whom ?

Shub- Our parents....[Ro Look little bit shocked but he cover up] there is something which we don't know....

Ro- Shub....

Shub- No Jaan I can feel it every time they meet eo it's either awkward or they completely ignore each other

Ro- So are you thinking something further ?

Shub- Yeah I asked Rah to search some past information about them

Ro- Ohh Ok [Ro turns towards Shub and started caressing his cheeks] Don't overthink everything is fine and everything is going well...hmm ?

Shub- Yeah....

Ro- Let's go and enjoy now don't be alone

Shub- Yeah....Jaan

Ro- Hmm ? [Shub kissed Ro]

Shub- I love you guys

Ro- We love you too Baby...

Shub- Let's go

Ro- Yap...

[They went towards everyone...and Ro sat there and Suddenly the DJ went off Shub Took the mic]

Shub- Thank you Everyone for coming here and enjoying our happiness with love...[Everyone Cheered] So I want to tell you all about my journey with my Jaan...[Again everyone Cheered] So it all started when I first saw him...where ? My baby still thinks our first meet was in University but....

Ro- Was it not ?

Shub- Nope

Rah- Say the truth...[shouted]

Shub- Yap...So it was when...I was riding the bike...and as I was passing by I saw My Jaan at a little flower Shop...He was talking with a little girl there...he was looking so cute...I stopped my bike and parked it near by and went towards the Shop while wearing the helmet....He looked at me and Smiled...that was the moment when I felt...I want this man in my life...

Ajju- Now I know why you got me flowers that Day [Shouted from there]

Shub- [laughed] Yeah...I kept staring at him and then...He said "Back to the earth young man" This was the first time when I felt my heartbeat getting faster...I said "Yeah" then he took the flowers and left without saying anything

Everyone- Awww

Shub- Yap but after that I told Rah my best buddy to search every information about him and then I used to sneak in his bedroom to see him every night with my another best buddy Rishu....

Ro- Are you serious ?

Shub- Yap...I used to sneak every night around 2am just to see him sleeping a cute baby...and Now before going to sleep and after waking up I see him sleeping in my arms Peacefully....[Everyone Cheered while Ro was blushing] and The day came when...He join our University as a professor...I was on cloud nine and nope it was planned at was written in our destiny....and then he dumped into my chest and I hold him by his Waist...I felt whole electric current inside me but I was keeping it cool just to show him that I don't know was so hard...and then I met his parents...Pa [Gauti] was so sweet with me but Dad [Yuvi]..on our first meet when we [ShubRo] were not even dating eo...Dad said "Don't even think about my Bear" I said "I already did" [Everyone Cheered even Yuvi] and I got to know that Dad was looking for someone who was going to get married with my Jaan....and as you all know what's mine is always mine...I kidnapped my baby...what worst could be ? [Everyone laughed] I kidnapped him and just my friends knew about it and as he woke up in morning he was all shock to process the things...but I was little harsh with him...I went at office and he was at The Mansion crying all day..he did not even eat anything for whole day as I came back and got to know about it...I made him have his dinner and next day We got married to each other..he was not at all happy...but one the first day as a married couple I drop him at his parents place...his Dad and Uncle's brought the Guns and rifle to shoot me...but he stopped them...and the grate thing about time is that it changes...Now His Dad treat me as his Son...His uncle's too Everyone is Happy about us....From the Flower you having my Babies holding my hand standing beside me....we have a long way....

Ro- Yes we have....

Shub- So as I promised you....I will marry you again...[Everyone Cheered] So here I'm Shubman Gill asking the permission from Mr.Yuvraj Sharma...Will you let your kid be mine ?

Yuvi- Yes [Shouted]

[Shub went towards Ro and kneel down in front of Ro while Holding a Ring]

Shub- Thank you....So Mr.Rohit Yuvraj Sharma...Will you marry me and Be mine again in front of our Whole family and Friends ?

Ro- Yes [Shub put the Ring in Ro's Ring Finger and Hug Ro like that and placed a kiss on his stomach... as he was done he Got up and Hug Ro] I love you

Shub- Aww my Jaan I love you soo much [Kissed On Ro's Forehead]

[And again everyone started to talk with each other and all]

Ro- Harry and Yas I need to talk something

Harry- Yes bRo say ?

[Ro explained them everything]

Harry- What should we do now ?

Ro- I ask Rah Not to search anything

Yas- oh ok

[Ro went towards Rah]

Ro- Rah ?

Rah- Yes Bhabi ?

Ro- Listen don't search about any information Shub told me about it...he is just over thinking about it...

Rah- Yeah Ok

Ro- Hmm and also Harry is calling you

Rah- Ohh [Shy]

[After the Party and all Time skip at Morning]

[Shub was the first one to wake up he looked at Ro and saw him sleeping like a bear]

Shub- Aww my Baby [Started to caress his cheeks] I love you so much [kissed Ro] This is the reason...[Ro woke up]

Ro- What reason ???

Shub- The reason I love you

Ro- [look at Shub] And what is it ?

Shub- Your cuteness....[Pull Ro's cheeks] See my Cutie Bear aww...

Ro- Leave me...I'm not a squish Bear

Shub- Aww my baby [kissed Ro on his forehead] Thank God I saw you that day....I'm damn lucky to get this Softie Bear....Jaan can you smile

[Ro gave a Smile]

Shub- That's what I'm talking about aww my baby just look at you....[Kissed Ro's cheeks]

Ro- Atlest let me take a bath

Shub- Let's go and take a bath together....

Ro- Ok....

Shub- I wonder how will you look in your 9th month ?

Ro- By that time...I will become so fat...

Shub- Nope you will become chubby...and then I will bite your cheeks...Damn My Jaan is so cute

Ro- God What happen to you?

Shub- nothing why ?

Ro- then stop surprising me with your behavior

Shub- I was showing you the way I love you

Ro- Ok Ok continue

[Shub started to kiss Ro's whole Face]

That's all for today see you all soon take care of yourself and lots of love from me ❤️ 🙏 🧿

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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