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[Now the Dad's went back at their homes after their investigation was done]

*With Yuvi*

[As he enter inside he saw Gauti was sitting in the leaving room while watching T.V and Ro was in his Room]

Yuvi- Baby [Gauti look at him]

Gauti- Ohh you came back

Yuvi- Yeah

Gauti- What happened you are looking angry??

Yuvi- It's them

Gauti- Them ????

Yuvi- The Devils

Gauti- Wtf Shubman ???

Yuvi- Yes he is the kid of that Shikhar and Ajinkya

Gauti- The heck what about others ???

Yuvi- Rahul is kid of Sourav Lokesh and Rahul Lokesh

Gauti- Oh God

Yuvi- and That Rishabh is kid of that Mahendra Pant and Suresh Pant

Gauti- Yuvi Calm down

Yuvi- How can I??? I'm telling you I will not let that Gill come close to our Bear

Gauti- Yuvi it's our Ro's choice Baby [Caress Yuvi's cheeks]

Yuvi- ik but still I won't accept that Gill as my Son-in-law did you see they way he look at our kid ??

Gauti- Yes just the way you look at me

Yuvi- Baby please No

Gauti- It's alright [Hug Yuvi]

[Same thing happened with Veeru and Ash]

*Time Skip at night*

[Ro was sleeping peacefully in his Room and suddenly someone put the chloroform on Ro's nose and he went unconscious]

*Time Skip at Morning*

[As Ro woke up he saw he was it totally in different Room he saw the door and went outside and look down and Saw it was a big Mansion he started to walk towards leaving room and saw Shub was having his coffee]

Ro- Shubman???

[Shubman look at him]

Shub- finally you woke up ?? Good morning baby

Ro- What's going on ? [Confusion was written on his face]

Shub- Ohh I kidnapped you

Ro- Shubman tf

Shub- It's true I kidnapped you

Ro- Stop joking where is my phone ???

Shub- Idk.....ohh wait here [Showed Ro his phone and as Ro was about to take it Shubman put that in his Coffee mug]

Ro- Are you nuts tf is wrong you [Ro took out phone and Started to dry it with the tissues which were kept on the side table]

Shub- Listen up [Hold Ro's Chin] I'm not here to listen all this my only aim was to kidnapped you

Ro- Leave me behave yourself I'm still your professor

Shub- Don't mind that it was all part of this

Ro- Why ???

Shub- You don't need to know that honey btw you look hot in this [scanning Ro up and down]

Ro- Shut up [Ro was wearing black shorts and black hoodie]

Shub- And yes your clothes are arranged in your Room and you are not allowed to go outside of this Mansion got it ??

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