Between the Pages of Secrets 5

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Lily’s POV:

I couldn’t shake the weight of the previous night’s conversation. It was like a stone, heavy and cold, lodged in the pit of my stomach. Alex had hinted at something deeper, something that ran far beyond his casual smiles and guarded words. And then there was the stranger—whoever that was, they clearly weren’t just a passing face from his past.

I paced around my apartment, mentally replaying every moment of that café meeting, but none of it made sense. My intuition was screaming at me to dig deeper, to demand answers from Alex, but I also knew that pushing him too hard could drive him away completely. He wasn’t ready, and that frustrated me to no end.

Was I willing to wait for him to open up, or was I just setting myself up for heartbreak?

Alex’s POV:

I stared blankly at my phone, the last message still lighting up the screen.

You can’t run from this forever, Alex.”

I had been avoiding this confrontation for too long. Lily had every right to know the truth, but I wasn’t sure I was ready to face it myself. She deserved someone who didn’t come with so much baggage, someone who didn’t have skeletons in every corner of their past. But the thought of losing her scared me more than any of my ghosts.

I scrolled through my contacts, hesitating before pressing the call button. The ringing felt like an eternity before the familiar voice on the other end answered.

Alex. Finally.”

“We need to meet,” I said, my voice low, trying to steady my nerves. “Let’s get this over with.”

Lily’s POV:

Later that day, I received a text from Alex. It was brief, but it was enough.

We need to talk. Can we meet tonight?”

My heart raced. Part of me dreaded what this conversation might reveal, but the other part—the part that had been lingering in uncertainty—was relieved. Maybe this was the moment I would finally get the answers I needed.

By the time evening rolled around, I found myself back at the same café, but this time the atmosphere felt heavier. I sat near the window, the soft hum of conversations around me barely registering as I waited for Alex. My hands wrapped around the warm cup of coffee in front of me, but it did little to calm my nerves.

When the door swung open and Alex walked in, I could see the tension etched on his face. He looked exhausted, like he had been battling something deep inside himself. Without a word, he sat across from me, his gaze dropping to the table as if gathering his thoughts.

Alex’s POV:

I had spent the day walking through memories I had tried hard to forget, and now, sitting here across from Lily, I knew I couldn’t keep running from the truth. She deserved the whole story, but even now, I wasn’t sure how much to reveal.

“Lily,” I began, my voice barely above a whisper. “There’s a lot about me that you don’t know. And if I’m being honest, I’m not sure how you’re going to feel about it.”

She met my eyes, her expression soft but determined. “I’m here, Alex. I just need you to trust me.”

I took a deep breath, the words heavy on my tongue. “Before I met you, I was involved with people I’m not proud of. They weren’t... good people. And I made a lot of mistakes trying to fix things. One of those mistakes is what’s catching up to me now.”

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