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Song: Isabella's Lullaby Orchestra & Choir Seycara Ochestrial

Every dream begins sweetly, like cotton candy dissolving on the tongue-fleeting and magical. This one, however, carried fragments of a bittersweet memory, laced with nostalgia.

The air was thick with the enticing aromas of wines and delectable pastries from across the realms, while people twirled in dances, their fabrics in sunset hues blurring beautifully into one another. Heartfelt laughter and chatter filled the air as friends and strangers traded stories, shared songs, and basked in the warmth of the night.

Children giggled as they chased after beams of starlight that seemed to descend to the ground-playful tendrils of light that wove between the dancers. Their faces glowed with uncontainable joy as the stars hovered just out of their tiny grasp, elusive yet inviting.

This was the annual celebration, a night born from the rare alignment of all three moons of Ephedia, their combined magic peaking in a spectacle of wonder. On this night, the moonlight became tangible, solidifying into a shimmering crystal pathway that descended from the heavens to Lunaris. The ethereal walkway, woven from pure, sparkling magic, invited citizens and royalty from Ephedia, Xeris, Volta, Borealis, and Calix to ascend to the mystical moon.

It was more than a festival; it was a reunion of dreams, where differences were set aside and shared joys and visions of a brighter future connected everyone.

Amidst the revelry, the night was punctuated by the exciting announcement of Celeste, mother of Meluna and part of the first generation born on Lunaris, who had just been appointed as the sixth general and the first-ever Lunaris-born member of the council. Her starlight-white hair, a signature of her Lunaris origins, marked her as both a trailblazer and the embodiment of the moon's magic. The people cheered for her-a historic moment, one that symbolized Lunaris's growing power and influence.

Princess Izira of Xeris had also transformed, her pastel blue hair fading into the celestial white that marked those deeply bonded with Lunaris. It was a rare, beautiful change, signifying her commitment to becoming a Steorra, a warrior knight, and her deepening connection to Lunaris's magic.

In Euphedia, the celebration continued with the joyous news of the birth of their new princess, Iris, the first child of the kingdom's new king. These milestones filled the night with an even greater sense of wonder and achievement.

Above them, the stars shimmered in a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues, pulsing in time with the hum of the music. They buzzed with life, as though they had composed a melody of their own-a song that called the people home to a place they had never realized they longed for. The stars, moved by the contagious joy below, seemed to dance along with the crowd.

And in turn, the people danced too.

Every step and every note sent ripples of energy into the sky, where the stars responded with flashes of light and bursts of color. The vibrant swirls of sunset reds and pale moonlit blues on the dancers' gowns and suits mixed with the shades of pinks from Euphedia and the bold oranges of Xeris, creating a vivid display of unity.

Even the elders, who had seen countless celebrations in their time, found themselves swept up in the magic. Their movements were light and graceful, as though they had shed the weight of their years. Friends and strangers linked hands, forming circles that expanded and contracted like living, breathing constellations beneath the night sky.

But not everyone shared in the joy. On the darker edge of the celebration stood a figure in a white blazer, her white afro-like hair a halo under the moonlight-Celeste, the newly appointed general.

"Mommy, look! Asra caught it for me!" A voice filled with excitement broke through Celeste's solemn thoughts. A younger version of Celeste, her daughter Meluna, stood before her with a bright light leaking from her small, clasped hands.

The sadness that had clouded Celeste's eyes softened into warmth as she knelt to her daughter's height, scooping her up into her arms.

"What is it, my love?" she asked gently.

"It's a star!" Meluna whispered with a giggle, her hands parting ever so slightly to reveal the tiny glowing orb resting in her palms.

Celeste smiled. Catching a star was a rare feat, and it meant that one had earned the right to make a wish. Wishes made on stars were powerful, coveted-most wished for time, love, or strength. But for a star to be given to another? That was the truest gift of all, a silent declaration of deep desire.

Young Asra's gesture did not go unnoticed. Celeste knew that in time, those innocent feelings would grow, and her daughter would come to realize their depth. But for now, she let Meluna's wonder-filled eyes remain free of the complications of love.

"And what will you wish for?" Celeste asked, fixing her daughter's hair as the galaxy of stars reflected in her child's bright eyes.

"I don't know," Meluna admitted, her small voice hesitant. Despite her youth, Meluna was perceptive beyond her years, unable to ignore the lingering sadness that sometimes filled her mother's eyes. What could someone like her mother-who had achieved so much-still long for?

Meluna's little hands extended forward, offering the glowing star to Celeste. "I want you to be happy," she whispered, her words soft against the backdrop of distant laughter and music.

Celeste's heart clenched. The star shimmered, waiting for its new owner to claim it. Gently, Celeste took Meluna's hands in hers and closed them back around the star.

"I already have the greatest happiness I could ask for," she whispered, resting her forehead against Meluna's.

"But you seem sad," Meluna frowned, confusion wrinkling her small brow.

"I only miss your father," Celeste confessed, her voice low as she guided Meluna to a nearby balcony. "But I see him in you, every day." She kissed her daughter's forehead, the tenderness in her touch palpable. "You have his kind eyes, his ears..." she playfully tugged on her daughter's ears, eliciting a giggle. "And his smile."

Meluna's giggle burst into full laughter as her mother tickled her, her little arms wrapping tightly around Celeste.

"You are the best gift I could have ever dreamed of," Celeste murmured, holding her close.

"Save the wish," she encouraged, gently closing Meluna's hand around the glowing star once more.

"For something or someone you most desire."

Tonight was a night unlike any other-a night that could only be described as a dream.

It was a lucid and enchanting dream, one that many wished could stretch into eternity.

Yet as with all dreams, it was destined to fade

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Please note the events in the series will be slightly altered to fit the book.

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