Chapter 6: The Ghost Hunt

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*this one is not that scarey but still ghosty hope you enjoy*

So it was around 10pm and me and my friends decided we where going to see if we could find that ghost after I had told them about it. So we took some photos of everything that might change and the rooms and stuff and videoed around the house then we turned all the lights off and sat on the couch for about 10 minutes and we heard a pot fall over (how ironic) then we saw a white orb fly past the passage so we grabbed the camera but nothing so then a hour or so later we flipped the flight switch on and gusse what? The pictures that where straight before the hour where now at a large angle.

*so yeah that was our attempt at ghost hunting my house not much went on but some stuff did happen, but like always hope you enjoyed and see you next week Monday where the worst of them all or for me happened so keep reading! *

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