Sad Sax

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A depressed (Y/n) is trekking on the partly snowy ground. She sighs and drops on a pile of snow and has a flashback to her his kiss with Sam and the moment Rigby runs out the door from the Christmas party in tears. "Man, I hate mistletoes." She said. Later on she is at the coffee shop. The coffee shop door opens and Rigby enters. "Uhhh, Hey Rigby. Thanks for coming." They both sit down. "It's great to see you. How's your week been going?" (Y/n) asked, and Rigby raises an eyebrow at her in disbelief.

"So you wanted to tell me something?" He asked. "Oh uh right, one sec...." (Y/n) pulls out some presents for him. "I got you something." Rigby takes a giant piece of candy saying "I'M SORRY" (Y/n) hands him a tape. "And I made this mix tape." The title of the tape says "I'M SORRY" as well. "All of the songs are apologies." (Y/n) said. "I'll listen to them later." Rigby said. A short silence occurs. "Look I wanted to...." The duo said at the same time. "Augh! Rigby, I'm really sorry! I don't know what happened." (Y/n) said. "You don't? Because I can refresh your memory." Rigby said sarcastically.

"No, no. I just mean it was crazy. It didn't mean anything, I swear. Sam and I.. all that stuff is in the past. It was just.. it was midnight and we were under a mistletoe, I was bound by mistletoe rules. I think that's a real law in some countries." She turns her head. "Eileen, back me up on this." Eileen shakes her head and runs away, not wanting to get involved. "(Y/n), what you did was really lame. After all this time I FINALLY had the guts to ask you to be my girlfriend and then you kiss Sam right in front of me! I even asked you if you weren't interested in him anymore and you told me you weren't! It took me this whole week to start feeling like I could look at your face without wanting to break a chair over it." Rigby said. "Understandable."

(Y/n) nods her head. "But if your being honest about this mistletoe thing I mean, I missed you. I feel like I'm ready to forgive and forget." Rigby said. "Really?" (Y/n) asked. "As long as you swear this time there's NOTHING going on with you and Sam." Rigby said. "I swear, honest. I just want things to go back to how they were before." (Y/n) said. "Before as in, me, you and Mordecai just being best friends, or...?" Rigby asked. Just then, the song from Butt Dial is heard and a selfie of (Y/n) and Sam appears on (Y/n)'s phone. "Sam?" Rigby becomes angry. "Oh in the past, huh?!" He asked. "I thought it was!" (Y/n) said. "Then why is he calling you?!" Rigby asked.

"I don't know! Why is he calling me?" (Y/n) immediately picks up her phone to end the call. "NICE CUSTOM RINGTONE, YOU BITCH!!" Rigby runs out the door. "RIGBY WAIT!" (Y/n) shouted. She is again depressed and sighs, she heard some saxophone music and saw a man on a bridge playing his saxophone with the moon in the background. He notices (Y/n). "Oh hey, (Y/n). I haven't seen you in a couple of days, how're you doin'?" He asked. "Hey Sad Sax, what are you doing here?" He jumps off the bridge and lands near (Y/n) while playing some dramatic saxophone music. "I go whenever I'm needed. Let me guess, boy problems?" He asked. "Actually yeah, how'd you know?" (Y/n) asked. "Lady, they don't call me Sad Sax Guy just because I play the sax and cry a lot. I know a broken heart when I see one, you tell me all about it and let's see if we could get this mess sorted out." He replied.

"Well, I was at this party and..." (Y/n) said. "Aaahh... mistletoe incident. Say no more, lady, I know all about it. I'll tell you what? Because I'm a man of romance, I'm gonna get you two back together." Sad Sax Guy said. "You are? How?" (Y/n) asked skeptically. "I know a guy. He'll hook you up." He hands her a card in his sax saying "Bowler Hat Singing Apology Gram" with the number. Later Rigby is in his room when he hears the doorbell. He goes to answer, and the bowler hat guy is there. "Ohhh, here's a singing telegram, apology and song. (Y/n) was quite a jerk, she knows she did you wrong. But let's be fair, she...." Rigby stops him, unamused. "Ok, ok. Hold on a sec. Do you know what she actually did to me?" Rigby asked. "Well, they don't give us that information, sir."

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