1000th Chopper Flight Party

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(Y/n), Mordecai, Anna, Rigby and Eileen are watching "Mailin it in" on TV. A mailman stealthily delivers mail while dodging a bunch of dogs and a cat. The title screen is then shown. "OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!" The trio is sad. Benson walks in, carrying mail. "Bill......bill......" Benson finds a coupon. "Oohh, Bedtopia coupon!" He waves it around. "Papa needs a new comforter!" He winks and makes a clicking noise. "You guys got a couple things too."

Benson hands (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby three green envelopes. "Man Benson, do that with a little less drama next time." Rigby looks at the envelope and passes one to Mordecai, then (Y/n). Mordecai takes the envelope. "Yeah, why can't you be more like the mail guys on TV?" He asked. "Because..." Benson facepalms, then sighs and nods. "I don't know." He walks away. "Woah dudes, check it out." Mordecai shows the front of the envelope. "A square eeennveloooooppppee!" He said. Eileen looks at (Y/n)'s. "Hand-caligraphed addresses?!" She waves a hand in front of her. "Wooooh, things just got fancy in here!" She said.

"Traffic's at a standstill due to a massive backup at the Smith residence." (Y/n) began reading the invitation. Rigby continues reading the invitation. "Some minor congestion is expected at the intersection of cake, fancy sodas, and a good time, as we celebrate the 1000th flight of Chopper 6." He said. Mordecai continues. "We're not seeing any delays of an RSVP for you and one guest." They all look confused,

not knowing what it was saying. "..OH! It's a party, for Sam's dad's 1000th ride on Chopper 6..." Rigby said after a couple seconds. "And Anna and I can go too, right guys?!" Eileen asked. (Y/n) looks worried. "Uuuuuuh......" (Y/n) looks at Rigby, looking nervous. "Oh!" Anna clears her throat. "I promised some friends I'd volunteer at this river clean up thing that day." She said. "Oh, well......" Mordecai said. Everyone is silent for a moment. "......Just go without me! It sounds like it'll be really fun." Anna said.

"Really?" Mordecai asked. "Yeah, man." Anna said. Mordecai hugs her, extremely happy. "AAAAAAAWWWHH!" He pulls away a bit. "I'll bring you a piece a' cake from the party for being the coolest girlfriend ever." They kiss. Later at Sam's parents'  house, the party is taking place in the backyard. Darrell and Robby, two of Sam's cousins, are playing with two remote control helicopter toys. They make them collide with one another and they crash to the ground. "Chopper 6 down, Chopper 6 down!" Robby shouted, making shooting and crashing noises while the helicopters crash. "Hehehehehe." Darrell laughs. Then Denise walks by, holding a tray of drinks. "That's not funny kids!"

(Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, and Eileen then walk in through the back gate. "Hi!" (Y/n) said. "Oh hey guys! Glad you could make it. Ugh, can you believe it?! Sam's still at work! He might not even make it at all!" Denise shouted. (Y/n) gets happy and smiles. "Oooohh, bummer." She said. "You're smiling." Denise said. (Y/n) quickly stops. "Sorry, cheek cramp." She said. Then one of the remote control helicopters, the white one, crashes into the punch bowl. "Darrell, COME ON! You almost ruined our special order cake here!" Denise shouted. The four look down at the cake on the table next to the bowl. "That's a cake?!" Rigby asked. "Anna's gotta see this." Mordecai pulls out his phone and takes a picture of it. A second later, Frank can be heard. "(Y/n)!" He said.

She looks up. "Huh? Mr. Smith!" The chipmunk walks over with Jackie Carmichael. He shakes (Y'/n)'s paw, then gives her a hug. (Y/n) is caught off guard by this. "Awwh..ehh!" She said. Frank pulls away. "Hahahaha!" He pats (Y/n)'s back. "Want ya to meet my longtime partner in the skies, Jackie Carmichael!" He said. She elbows Frank. "What a day, huh? I can't wait to find out who's gonna get that coveted extra seat in the 1000th Chopper flight!"

He said. "Extra seat?" Eileen asked. "There's one for my wife, one for my son, and one wild card!" Frank said, and Jackie shrugs. "Sure would mean a lot! Even more than the award I won for being the top traffic reporter in the city." She said. Denise pops up behind Frank and holds onto his chest, Jackie looks surprised. "Frank has a lot of important people in his life, Jackie. Isn't that right Frank?" She asked. "That's true hon." Jackie gets angry and jealous and walks away.

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