Dumped at the Altar

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At Pops' house, (Y/n) is opening a soda and she gives it to Mordecai. "Hmmm." Mordecai sips his drink. "So, how are things with Rigby now that Sam's admitted he has feelings for you and keeps trying to get you back?" He asked. "Oh, it's been..." (Y/n) then sighs. "I don't know. I mean, I don't have feelings for Sam anymore. I feel like that was such a long time ago, you know? Sure I was heartbroken at first when Sam couldn't be my boyfriend and went off to college, but you and Rigby helped me get over that, but not long after, I developed a crush on Thomas. I'm pretty sure he's always had one on me,

considering how awkward he was around me all the time. I actually had planned to ask him out eventually, but then that whole 'him actually being a Russian spy and kidnapping me' thing happened, and then he had to leave, so I never really had a chance to ask him out." (Y/n) said. "When were you planning on it?" Mordecai asked curiously. "Shortly before he revealed his true self and intentions to me." (Y/n) said, and Mordecai cringes. "Yikes..." Mordecai said. "I'll admit I was surprised. So surprised I didn't even want to believe it. I didn't at first. I didn't believe anything he told me.

And I still don't believe that I have these magical abilities that he was claiming that I have either. It just... can't be possible. He must have just had me mixed up with someone else." (Y/n) said. "Uh... yup! Mixed you up with someone else, that's... I'm pretty sure that's what happened." Mordecai said quickly. (Y/n) raises an eyebrow at him, then sighs. "Anyway, even after all of that happened, for some reason, I still had that protective feeling for him, especially once Natalia started abusing him, it just brought back bad memories." (Y/n) said.

"Oh... you mean by what GBF. JR did to Thomas." Mordecai said, and (Y/n) nods, then remembered GBF. JR grabbing Thomas and threatening to kill him in front of her. She growls slightly from the memory, but then calms herself. "But then since the whole Thomas thing didn't work out, I started to realize my feelings for Rigby, which is why I confessed at the Christmas party, despite Thomas being there too since I knew he was just visiting. If Thomas is going to be on the run most of the time, a relationship between the two of us could never work." (Y/n) sighs. "I get it." Mordecai said. (Y/n) looks down sadly, and Mordecai sighs. "Well, I'll say this, (Y/n). I know for a fact how happy Rigby has been since the two of you became official, despite Sam returning and the things that have happened between the two of you.

I know you're still heartbroken over Thomas, but you gotta move on. I'm sure you and Rigby can make each other happy." Mordecai said, and (Y/n) smiles. "Thanks Mordecai, I-" suddenly her phone rang and she answers it. "Hello?" She asked. "Hey (Y/n)!" Rigby said cheerfully. "What's up?" (Y/n) asked. "Mmm, not much. How are you?" Rigby asked. "Good, good." (Y/n) said. Mordecai groans with an eye roll, cringing at the two's interaction. "Do we have a lot to do today?" Rigby asked.

"Yeah. Muscle Man's wedding is tonight, so we're gonna be pretty busy." (Y/n) said. "Oh..." Rigby said. "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." (Y/n) said. "Definitely. I'll see you tomorrow." Rigby said, then hung up. "See? It's awkward." (Y/n) said. "Well, what're you gonna do?" Mordecai asked. "I dunno. It's fine." (Y/n) said. "Dude!" Mordecai scolded. "I'm fine, what?" (Y/n) asked. Mordecai crosses his arms. "Ok, you're fine." He said. The next morning at Pops' house, the groundskeepers are gathered at the front. "Ok, Muscle Bro's on his way with the tuxes. Skips, you've got the ice sculpture covered?" Benson asked. Skips rolls out the ice sculpture; it is Muscle Man and Starla's heads lip-locking in a horn of plenty. Muscle Man gasps.

"Our horn of plenty!" He said. Benson spins his pen. "Let's see, what else?" Muscle Man stands up. "Can I just take a minute to tell you guys something? If you were to ask me to assemble a team of the best wedding planners I could find, a team more potent than the sum of its parts, each wheel turning...independently...yet together..." Muscle Man breaks down crying, and smashes the sculpture. "Whoa, Muscle Man!" (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Pops and Hi Five Ghost said.

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