The beginning

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   My life was never interesting, or at least only I thought so because everyone else was jealous of my position in the great palace of Asgard. People thought that being a guard in a place where usually nothing happens considering how much every realm fears Asgard was ideal and that I was paid for doing "nothing" and not only that but had a great social status. Maybe there was some truth to this, maybe I was treated better in the streets but the palace? Even though I didn't have to fight off any threats I still had to work. The dungeons were overfilled with criminals, the palace always busy hosting a feast after another and another and I always had my hands full either watching over the guests or the criminals or training. And to be honest training was the most exhausting of all, but I enjoyed it. As an alpha physical exercise brought me joy and contentment, I felt like my true self when I had the chance to spar with my fellow guard and well, of course I won everytime. My life wasn't interesting as I said, but it wasn't terrible too. I didn't want to wish it away and so I kept on living, and like every other day I checked into work wearing my shiny silver armor as I made my way to the training grounds, but before I could even see what my tasks were for today I saw a lively girl appear before me.

- Boo! Did I scare you this time, Y/N??? - she grinned and her eyes sparkled as she awaited my answer.

- Hilda. - I simply mumbled in a monotone voice, clearly unamused.

- Is that a yes?? Because if so then I win the bet!! -

- She didn't even flinch, give it a rest. - A sigh came from the other side of the room. Soon the tall man with brown hair and yellow eyes stepped forward and extended his hand towards Hilda - I won.

Of course Einar was involved in yet another bet with Hilda. It's not like there was a single day when they didn't make a bet together, though Einar only did it because he knew how easy it is to fool Hilda.
With a disapproving grumble the blonde girl handed him a couple golden coins before leaving the room with a frown on her face.

- You've angered her again Einar. - I stated bluntly as I moved towards the task board in order to read my list of activities for the day.

- It's not like her mood won't shift within 2 seconds, she'll forget all this happened and I'll manage to set another bet with her. Maybe I'll even gather enough money to boy a new sword. - The man chuckled and looked towards me expecting a response.

But I said nothing. I wasn't interested in idle chit chat nor was I interested in interacting with Beta's and Omega's more than I should've. They tired me. The lively language and the overenergetic approach to everything made my eyes darken everytime and a small glint of red appeared in them as I tried to hold myself back. It angered me to a point where I had to leave the room simply to make sure I wouldn't kill everyone inside. What a nuisance. When I finally got a hold of myself I read my tasks - patrolling the east side of the garden, watching over a feast that was hosted by a royal of Nilfheim and then guarding the inner corridors of the palace. Easy work, easy money. I grabbed my sword and without a word left the room while Einar managed to say one last sentence before I disappeared into the golden building.

- Be safe! -

                                 ~        ~    

The day went by fast considering the tasks I was assigned were the easiest you could imagine. Standing, listening, looking around and well staying on guard all the time but for me it was like breathing, I always had to stay on guard ever since I was a kid. I had a harsh past and everytime I- Wait, what was that?

My inner monologue ended as fast as it began. I was standing in the middle of a golden corridor inside the palace and I swore I heard something. My eyes snapped towards the balcony at the end of the room. Could it be that someone for once was actually trying to mess with the gods of Asgard? And on my watch too? The thought of anyone trying to sneak into the palace was so absurd that I even doubted my senses for a good minute. Maybe I just overheard something, maybe I'm just imagining things. After all I have been feeling strange lately. My senses seemed to be heightened and I appeared to hear sounds other couldn't or smell scents others didn't even think of. Maybe it was just that. And so I continued my patrol, peacefully before... Once again a strange noise broke me out of my professional focus. It couldn't be just in my head. Or if it was I had to see for myself, the thought was eating away at my brain. With slow and careful steps I stepped towards the balcony, I put my feet lightly on the shiny tiles of the floor, making sure to walk as stealthily as possible. Whoever was there I was ready to slice their head off and bathe in their blood. The alpha in me was hungry for violence and right there at the end of the corridor it might just find what it seeks. I got closer and closer and closer and... In one moment I quickly stepped out into the balcony and drew my sword, a wild slash being able to be heard as my blade cut through the thick air. My eyes frantically jumped across the small space before they settled on one of the corners. Sure enough, there was someone standing there, and not just someone really - the prince of Asgard, Lo-

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