Getting my beta back

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My mornings usually looked the same - I woke up, I got ready, I left for work - but no today. Today was different. Ever since the encounter I had with the prince the night before I couldn't collect my thoughts or myself. I seemed to not think about anything or only think about him. It was as if I was blind to everything but his presence, his eyes, his scent... A sigh escaped my mouth as I sat up on my small bed. I didn't get much sleep last night, matter of fact I don't think I got any sleep at all. I spent the whole night lying in bed, trying to convince myself that nothing happened and nothing was different. But it simply wasn't true. In one moment my whole life changed, and to be honest, though I was hesitant to admit it, I was scared. There were never any changes in my routine, none in my private life, none in my mind. Everything was static, still, unmoving, and I was fine with that. Why did he have to ruin the peace I worked so hard for? Was it frustration that caused me to think of him so much? Was it anger? I never seemed to feel anything except for that so it was hard to assume any other feeling. But it still didn't feel right. I knew exactly how I felt when I was angry. That piercing pain in my chest, the red glint in my eye, the tense feeling spreading across my body... But the memory of the prince stirred none of these feelings inside of me. But I still believed it to be anger, I had to. I rolled out of bed, sleepiness clinging to my eyes as it weighed down on my eyelids. I prepared my breakfast - simple and plain, enough to keep me strong and filled throughout the whole day. I slipped on my gloves, my armor and as I reached for the handle of my sword I stopped. The sword I pointed at his throat last night. I shook my head. What was I thinking? Was the sword that I used to slay many enemies of Asgard now nothing but "the sword that I once pointed at The Prince" in my eyes? He took up my mind far too much, enough to make me forget about making the bed or cleaning up after breakfast before I hurriedly left my house and headed towards the palace.
Loki. Damn it. Why him? I was angry, I was agitated, I was fucking furious and I was... curious? Why did his scent make me stop right in that moment... Why...

- You're in early today, Y/N. Is it the excitement of gaining a new position?

Einar appeared out of thin air right beside me, or at least it seemed that way to me. My mind was up in the clouds as I walked to the palace so that's probably why I didn't notice him before.
Wait, a new position? What position? Did Loki actually carry out with his threat? But how? He managed to sway Odin to lower my rank just because I was doing my job??
My fists tightened and I bit the inside of my cheek not caring to even look towards Einar.

- ...well? I know you're not talkative but surely you have something to say about becoming the Prince's personal guard?

Everything stopped. Time froze, the air stilled and so did I. What. Did. He. Just. Say.

- How do you know this? - I quickly blurted out, careless of the tone I used.

- Ah... Well one of the servants came by at night patrol and told our captain to change your duties. And well, about how I knew what the servant said to the captain... -

I didn't bother listening to him more after I registered the information I needed. A servant? It could be Loki who sent him there, but at the same time why would he? Last time he said anything to me he seemed fed up with my actions. Did he want to settle our wrongs in some way? A spar? No, he doesn't spar, the other prince does.
As Einar continued on talking in the background, practically with himself, I walked inside the palace and took a quick look at the task board. Sure enough my duties for the day were "guarding the prince Loki" and nothing besides it. It's not like he needed much protection anyway... He was known for his mischievous nature and so when he saw danger he probably didn't immediately think of having someone to protect him but rather stirring up some danger instead. Regardless, I had work to do. Right... Work.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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