Chapter one

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The weird invisible girl

As the students filed back from assembly, Mirabel's art class was next. The warm sunlight streaming through the windows seemed to fade into the background as she walked, lost in thought. Her mind wandered to the sketch she'd been working on, the lines and shapes swirling together in her imagination.

But before she could settle into her creative zone, their teacher, Mrs. Johnson, burst into the classroom, looking flustered.

"Quickly, everyone! Gather your things. We have a general class at the theater hall."

The students scrambled to grab their notes and writing materials, the room erupting into chaos. Mirabel, still distracted, didn't notice the commotion around her.

"Come on, guys! Move!" Mrs. Johnson urged, her voice rising above the din.

As they hurried to the theater hall, Mirabel fell into step beside her classmates. She kept her eyes fixed on the floor, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

Suddenly, a girl rushing past accidentally knocked Mirabel's materials out of her hands. Papers and pencils scattered everywhere.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" the girl exclaimed, apologetic, as she bent to help gather the scattered items.

Mirabel didn't respond. She silently picked up her belongings, her expression a mask of indifference. The girl's apologies trailed off, and she hastily retreated.

"Wow, she's always like that," a classmate whispered, nodding toward Mirabel. "So weird."

"Leave her alone," another student whispered back. "She's just shy."

The group entered the theater hall, buzzing with curiosity. Mrs. Johnson took the stage, a microphone in hand.

"Welcome, students. A movie production company has chosen our school to collaborate on their next project. They'll be selecting students from our art department to participate."

Excited murmurs spread through the hall like wildfire. Mirabel's gaze flickered to the stage, her interest piqued despite herself.

"The company will hold auditions and examinations to choose the students who'll work on the movie," Mrs. Johnson continued. "This is an incredible opportunity for our school and our students. Prepare yourselves, and we'll provide more details soon."

The assembly dismissed, and students filed back to their classes, abuzz with excitement. Mirabel walked alone, her expression unreadable.


After leaving the theater hall, Mirabel returned to her art class, her mind still reeling from the movie project announcement. As she settled into her seat, she reached for her earpod, only to realize it was gone.

She frantically searched her desk and surroundings, but it was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, she recalled the commotion earlier, when the girl had knocked her down.

Mirabel quickly exited the class, almost colliding with her teacher, Mr. Thompson.

"Whoa, slow down! What's the hurry?" Mr. Thompson asked, surprised.

Mirabel hesitated, then spoke in a rare moment of urgency, "I need to find my earpod, sir."

Mr. Thompson's eyebrows shot up. "Well, well, well. Look who can finally string a sentence together. I've never heard you speak before, Mirabel."

Mirabel's cheeks flushed, but she pressed on. "Please, sir, I really need to find it."

Mr. Thompson nodded. "Alright, go ahead. But be quick."

Mirabel rushed to the spot where she'd been knocked down. From a distance, she spotted her earpod on the floor. Relief washed over her, but before she could retrieve it, a group of notorious school bullies, led by the infamous Regina, stepped into her path.

Regina sneered, planting her foot on the earpod. "Oh, look what we have here. Are you looking for this, freak?"

Mirabel's eyes locked onto her earpod, but she remained silent, refusing to engage.

Regina and her cohorts continued to taunt and insult Mirabel, trying to provoke a reaction.

"Hey, mute! Why don't you talk? Are you stupid or something?" one bully jeered.

"Yeah, maybe she's just too ugly to speak," another chimed in.

Mirabel's face remained impassive, but her heart pounded with every cruel word.

Regina snarled, "You think you're so special just because you're quiet? Newsflash, loser: nobody likes you."

The bullies laughed, their cruel words echoing through the hallway.

Just as they were about to crush the earpod beneath their feet, Mirabel's pent-up emotions boiled over. She unleashed a blood-curdling scream, startling the bullies.

Regina jumped back, eyes wide. "Oh my God, this one's lost it!"

The group hastily retreated, abandoning the earpod.

Mirabel picked it up, her hands shaking with relief. She turned to leave, but not before catching Regina's menacing gaze.

MIRABEL: The tale of an abused teenage girlWhere stories live. Discover now