Chapter Eleven: Unravelling rivalry

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Ethan rejoined his friends, still reeling from Mirabel's rejection.

Liam immediately sensed something was off. "What's wrong, man?"

Ethan shook his head. "Nothing."

Caleb snickered. "Oh, come on, Ethan. Spill."

Ethan hesitated before revealing, "I asked Mirabel to lunch. She turned me down."

The table fell silent.

"Ouch," Liam said finally.

Caleb chuckled. "Guess she's not impressed by your charm, Ethan."

Ethan shrugged. "Guess not."

Liam, chimed in, "Saw that coming. She's ice, man."

Ethan's eyes narrowed. "You think you're so smart, Liam?"

Liam smirked. "Just calling it like I see it. You thought you could swoop in and win her over? Please."

Ethan's face warmed, but he kept his cool.

"Hey, I'm just trying to get to know her," Ethan said.

Caleb snorted. "Save it, Ethan. We've seen the way she shuts you down."

The group chuckled, and Ethan forced a laugh, hiding his frustration.

As the conversation continued, Ethan couldn't shake off the feeling that Mirabel's rejection was more than just a simple "no."

He wondered what had changed since yesterday.

Was it something he did? Or was Mirabel just playing hard to get?


The group settled into their usual lunch table, director Jenkins noticeably absent.

Caleb dominated the conversation, recounting his weekend gaming marathon.

Ethan, sitting across from Mirabel, listened intently while stealing glances at her.

As Mirabel reached for the ketchup, Ethan swiftly grabbed it and handed it to her.

"Thanks," Mirabel said curtly, avoiding eye contact.

Ethan held her gaze, hoping to spark a connection.

Liam chuckled. "Ethan's got his knight-in-shining-armor mode activated."

Emily jumped into the conversation. "So, has anyone figured out their lines for Scene 23?"

Olivia nodded. "I've got mine down pat."

Mirabel murmured, "Still working on it."

Ethan seized the opportunity. "Need help running through your lines, Mirabel? I'm happy to assist."

Mirabel's response was immediate. "No, thanks."

Ethan's gaze lingered on her, searching for a crack in her reserved facade.


Just as Ethan was about to try again, Julian approached the table.

"Mind if I join?" Julian asked, his eyes locking onto Mirabel.

Mirabel's expression remained neutral. "Not at all."

Julian slid into the empty seat beside Mirabel, his proximity making Ethan's jaw clench.

"Hey, guys," Julian said, his smile charming. "Heard great things about your rehearsals."

Sofia spoke up. "Thanks, Julian. We're working hard."

Julian's gaze shifted to Sofia and Olivia. "You two, make sure you're prepared for your scene. It's pivotal."

Olivia nodded. "We're on it."

Sofia asked, "Any specific feedback, Julian?"

Julian leaned in. "Emphasize the emotional depth. Make the audience feel it."

Mirabel listened intently, her eyes never leaving Julian's face.

Ethan noticed the way Julian's gaze lingered on Mirabel, his expression softening.

A pang of jealousy struck Ethan.

"Julian, what about our scene?" Ethan asked, trying to divert attention.

Julian turned to Ethan. "You and Mirabel are doing great. Keep up the chemistry."

Ethan's cheeks flushed, but Mirabel remained silent.

As lunch concluded, Julian helped Mirabel gather her belongings.

Ethan watched, feeling a growing sense of rivalry.


Julian walked Mirabel out of the dining table, the afternoon sun casting a warm glow.

"Mirabel, I wanted to talk to you before I head out," Julian said, his voice low and sincere.

"What is it?" Mirabel asked, her eyes curious.

"I have an important assignment coming up, related to the movie production. I'll be away for a few days."

Mirabel nodded. "Okay."

Julian's gaze softened. "Take good care of yourself while I'm away. Make sure you're getting enough rest."

Mirabel smiled slightly. "I will.

"And don't hesitate to call me if anything comes up. I want to know you're doing okay."

Mirabel's voice was barely above a whisper. "Thanks, Julian."

Julian's eyes locked onto hers. "You're doing great, Mirabel. Keep putting in your best work."

Ethan watched from afar, noticing the intimate atmosphere.

Julian's words carried a deeper meaning, one Ethan couldn't quite decipher.

"Be safe," Julian whispered, before turning to leave.

Mirabel watched him go, her expression unreadable.

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