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"I really shouldn't be here, this is wrong Stefan." I spoke placing my hand on his chest, the hard muscle beneath the button up shirt he was wearing tensing up as Stefan bore his eyes into mine, as much as I wanted to push him away. I knew I couldn't, he knew all the buttons to press when it came to me and with that I felt his right arm snaking around my waist before he bent down at what must have an awkward angle for him and nosed my neck. Inhaling deeply.

"If it's wrong, then tell me why does if feel so right?" He breathed out against my neck and I shuddered, a whimper escaping my lips for a second as I felt his fangs nipping at the skin of my neck before his tongue, cold as the winter snow, lapped at the spot he had nipped. "I just can't seem to help myself when I'm around you, what is it about you that has me wanting to rip into your throat and cradle you against my chest whispering sweet nothings into your ear at the same time huh?" And for a good minute I stood there speechless at his confession, I had no idea that he felt that way.

When the speech I had prepared to shoot at him died on the tip of my tongue, he took that as an answer because his lips pressed against mine harshly. An unknown urgency in his movements and I found myself kissing him back just as urgently if not more, his hands snaked under my t-shirt and I gasped at the cold of them and Stefan took that as an opportunity to shove his tongue so deep into my mouth that I almost choked but I didn't care. We kissed so deeply and feverishly that we never noticed when the door to Stefan's house had opened and someone had stepped into the doorway until it was too late.

By the time Stefan had ripped himself away from me fighting for control, control so that he wouldn't rip into my throat and drain me of my blood until empty Elena Gilbert was already stood on the doorway of the Salvatore Boarding house with an expression so gut wrenching that I almost collapsed to my knees then and there. Betrayal and hurt was painted across her delicate features and Stefan hadn't even noticed that she was there, I didn't know which was worse.

"Elena I..." I tried to explain and she held a hand up effectively silencing me, the guilt ripped into my insides so harshly that I could hardly breathe. At least now Stefan had noticed her and with four long strides he had crossed the room towards her, guilt etched onto his beautiful face.

"I swear this isn't what it looks like." And with that my heart broke into a million tiny pieces, I had no idea why I had convinced myself that Stefan would choose me over Elena but I had and now I was paying the price. I could barely feel the tears that streamed down my face as I walked out the Boarding house ignoring their calls, my heart thumped so hard that I thought it would jump up to my throat and choke me to death. Somehow that would have been so much better than the pain, the dull ache that I felt as I wrestled my car door open and stepped inside before I drove off. Ignoring the guilty look on Stefan's face and the anger on Elena's.

And with that the pretty lies that Stefan had fed me faded into nothingness, replaced by the ache that threatened to spread throughout my entire body. I drove through the town in a haze that I barely noticed or heard when my car had slammed against an incoming truck, the last thing I saw were the blinding lights before everything around me faded into obscurity. Darkness.

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