Chapter Thirteen

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 The next day at school was boring. Y/N despised boring.

All she did was learn. Of course, she was guarded extra closely by Jake, Cassandra, and Blake. Y/N had expelled Lucas from the group, but she felt he was following her closely, she couldn't find him.

She came to school that day dressed in her brown plaids, and whites, and ready to learn—or at least that's what the school day would have offered her.

The autumn weather was cooling more with each day that ticked by. The kids who had to walk to their prestigious school were forced to wear heavy coats over their enforced clothing. It especially sucked for the girls who traditionally had to wear skirts all year long.

Y/N drove every day to school because Jake didn't want either of the girls to get frostbite. Y/N rolled her eyes every time that argument of his arose. In Willow, it was nowhere near cold enough to get frostbite.

Today, Y/N and Cassandra hopped out of the car as Jake went to park in the closest open parking spot.

Y/N huffed a sigh wishing for the day to be over already, "Cassie, I'll meet you in the homeroom, I'm gonna stop by the office to see if I can use their printer and make a realistic note that will sell Mr. and Mrs. Baird."

"Call them Mom and Dad." Cassandra rolled her eyes with a smile, "Anyways. I'll see you in class."

Y/N shook off the statement. She needed to focus on getting the slip, her parents were expecting it when she arrived home today from the school field trip. Y/N wanted to forget her stupidity and crawl into a hole she would never come out of. She might even have to forge a signature for the school's amusement.

Y/N and the siblings had decided not to inform the parents of their adopted daughter's lies.

She would rather have one unexcused absence than face her parent's wrath as they figured out she'd stolen their money and ran off.

Y/N pushed the overly heavy doors open and waited in a line that was already two bodies long until it was her turn.

The person before her had just gotten their turn when she was surprised by a tap on her shoulder.

"Y/N." The voice was solemn and stern, "We need to talk."

Those few words on their own are enough to send Y/N into a spiral. She had never liked those words, they always meant something and important was about to be discussed. She felt like this was the point someone would start to climb as high as they could to escape the tsunami.

She turned, and her eyes were blessed with the gorgeous sight of Lucas. However much she hated him she couldn't deny his handsomeness, "I think we've talked enough."

"What did I do?" He cried. Tears were spilling out, he grabbed her shoulders and inched closer, which made Y/N back up.

"Hmmm, let me think," Y/N tapped her chin, "You are stalking Cassandra."

"I'm not stalking Cassandra!"

"Fine, then you're stalking me!" Y/N was so angry she was only half aware of what was coming out of her mouth, "Unless you're stalking Jake."

"I'm not stalking Jake!" His tears were angered now, but he also seemed to be holding back most of the irritation.

Y/N was so focused on her anger and Lucas's face that she hadn't realised the people who'd exited the room which was now empty. She pushed against the shoulders which held the arms that caged her against the wall.

"Lucas." Y/N growled, "Let me go."

"Calm down and listen!" Lucas no longer acted as the melancholic weeping and apologetic boy, but instead a ball of fiery fury.

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