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As Taehyun lay there, staring up at the ceiling, the confusion and guilt slowly began to fade, replaced by a growing sense of exhaustion. He was still conflicted about everything that had happened, but for now, he was too tired to dwell on it.

Kai’s breathing was steady beside him, and the familiar rhythm lulled Taehyun into a sense of calm.

Taehyun settled into bed, his body still tense from the events of the evening. As he lay there, he reached for his phone, his mind too restless to let sleep come easily. He had been worried about Kai’s strange behavior lately—how he’d forget things that happened during the night, as if they’d never occurred at all. It had been nagging at him, so he decided to search for answers.

After a few minutes of scrolling, his eyes widened as he came across something called 'sleep amnesia'. It was rare, but it explained why Kai might not remember anything that happened during his sleep. The more he read, the more it made sense, and with that realization, a new thought formed in his mind.

He turned his head, glancing at Kai, who was now curled up against him, his head tucked comfortably into the crook of Taehyun’s neck. Despite the anger and tension from earlier, Kai looked almost childlike in his sleep, his breathing slow and even. It was a stark contrast to the sharp, angry, loud person he’d been just moments ago.

Taehyun felt a pang of guilt for even considering what he was about to do, but he needed to know. 'If Kai doesn’t remember this in the morning, then maybe…'

“Kai,” Taehyun whispered softly, not wanting to wake him fully but needing some response. Kai stirred slightly but didn’t move away, just nuzzling closer as if seeking more warmth.

“Kai, I just need to… confirm something,” Taehyun murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. His heart pounded as he prepared himself for what he was about to say. “If you remember this, don’t get mad… please.”

He paused, watching Kai for any sign of consciousness. When none came, Taehyun leaned in, kissing Kai’s forehead, and he whispered, “I’m sorry for earlier. For everything. I just… I need you to know that I care about you more than anything.”

Kai didn’t respond, just shifted slightly, his arm tightening around Taehyun’s waist as if instinctively pulling him closer. Taehyun waited, his breath held, but Kai didn’t wake up. Instead, he let out a soft sigh, snuggling even deeper into Taehyun’s side, his fingers curling into the fabric of Taehyun’s shirt.

Taehyun’s heart ached with a mix of relief and affection. 'He won’t remember,' he thought, his mind racing. 'He really might not remember anything in the morning.'

Gently, Taehyun wrapped his arms around Kai, pulling him closer until there was no space between them. Kai’s breath tickled his neck, and Taehyun could feel the steady rise and fall of Kai’s chest against his own. The familiar warmth of Kai’s body, the way he fit perfectly against him, made all the tension from earlier melt away.

As they lay there, tangled in each other’s arms, the past few weeks of distance and coldness seemed to fade, replaced by a deep sense of comfort and safety. This was how it used to be—just the two of them, holding each other through the night, everything else forgotten.

Taehyun pressed another soft kiss to the top of Kai’s head, his voice barely audible as he whispered, “Goodnight, my angel.” He wasn’t sure if Kai would remember this moment in the morning, but for now, it didn’t matter. They were together, and that was enough.

As sleep finally began to pull him under, Taehyun felt Kai’s fingers relax against him, and a small, contented smile crossed his lips. Whatever tomorrow brought, they would face it together, just like they always had. For now, though, he let the warmth of Kai’s embrace lull him into a peaceful sleep, the weight on his shoulders lifting just a little bit.

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