part two

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Kai glared at him but pulled out his phone, dialling Soobin without breaking eye contact.

"Soobin," Kai snapped as soon as the call connected. "Did you send this crazy fucker to protect me?"

There was a pause before Soobin answered, his voice tired. "Yeah, I did. I meant to tell you, but things got complicated. Trust him, Kai."

Kai’s grip tightened on the phone, anger boiling over. "You should have warned me. I almost shot him!"

Soobin sighed. "Damn- Uh. But Taehyun’s your best chance. You need him, he'll keep you safer than ever."

Kai ended the call, glaring at the stranger—Taehyun, now, the name vaguely familiar. "Fine. But don’t think for a second that I trust you."

Taehyun’s eyes crinkled with a smile behind his mask. "Trust isn’t necessary. Keeping you safe is."

Kai’s jaw tightened, but he nodded. "We’ll work together. But play games with me, and I won’t hesitate to end you."

Taehyun grinned, something dangerous flickering in his eyes. "Wouldn’t dream of it, angel. Now, let’s get started."

Kai watched him closely as Taehyun stepped back, the gun now dangling loosely in his hand. Despite Soobin’s assurance, Kai knew he had to stay on guard. Taehyun might be here to help, but he was still an enigma—a wild card that could either save Kai or destroy him.

Kai’s gaze hardened as he made his stance clear. "Let’s get one thing straight—I won’t be a pawn in anyone’s game. You’ll have to earn my trust, Taehyun."

Taehyun’s grin widened, undeterred. "I know I will."

With a resolute nod, Kai moved, his posture signaling his resolve. "Fine. We’ll protect each other—this little team."

Taehyun chuckled mockingly. "Each other? You’re going to protect me?"

Kai shot him a pointed look. "I can’t have my own bodyguard dying on me, can I? And besides, look at you—you’re smaller than me. Protecting you is the least I can do."

Taehyun laughed, raising an eyebrow. "This ‘smaller guy’ just disarmed you, remember?"

Kai shook his head, exasperated. "Whatever. Now, what’s the plan?"

Taehyun glanced at the clock. "It’s almost midnight. We should get some rest. It’s been a long night, and we’ll need our strength for tomorrow."

A mischievous glint appeared in Taehyun’s eyes as he suggested, "I really think I should sleep in your bed, Kai. It’s just—"

"Absolutely not," Kai cut him off, raising an eyebrow. "I’ve had enough of you for one night."

Taehyun tried to argue, a playful grin on his face. "Come on, angel. It’s just one night. You’re not going to let me sleep on the floor, are you? Even though I’m here to protect you?" He pouted.

Kai sighed, clearly frustrated, angered more. "I suppose there’s no reaasoning with you. Fine. You can sleep in the bed, but don’t get too comfortable."

Before Kai could fully process what he had just agreed to, Taehyun darted out of the room, returning moments later with his bag.

"What’s in there?" Kai asked, suspicious.

"My clothes, that’s all," Taehyun replied quickly, pulling out a pair of black pajamas. "Just pretend it’s not here."

"Well, at least he’s changing," Kai muttered, still perplexed by the whole situation.

Taehyun emerged from the bathroom, now dressed in his black pajamas and holding his wet clothes. "Thanks, angel. I promise I’ll be on my best behavior."

Kai mumbled, "That’s your job, idiot. Go put those wet clothes in the washing machine. Also, why are your pajamas black, weirdo?"

"I love the color black!" Taehyun responded cheerfully. "It suits me."

"It’s not a color; it’s a shade," Kai corrected.

"Same thing!" Taehyun said with a smile.

"They’re not!" Kai argued back, his nose twitched, but Taehyun just rolled his eyes and grinned.

Kai muttered under his breath, annoyed, as Taehyun cheerfully made his way to the bed, stretching out onto Kai’s favourite sheets with an exaggerated sigh of satisfaction. Kai, meanwhile, settled into an armchair, his mind spinning with conflicting emotions—shock, anger, irritation, worry, anxiety, and exhaustion.

Taehyun, now comfortably nestled in the bed, flashed Kai a bright, reassuring smile. Despite everything, Kai found a strange sense of calm in his presence.

As the clock ticked closer to midnight, Kai leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on Taehyun. Despite the chaos and uncertainty, he felt an odd comfort in not being alone.

"Goodnight, angel," Taehyun said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kai nodded, his eyes heavy with exhaustion. "K."

The room settled into a tense but hopeful silence as the night stretched on.

Kai drifted into a troubled sleep, his form curled up on the armchair, his legs pulled up to his chest. The storm outside had calmed to a soft, steady drizzle, but the peace was lost on him. His dream was dangerous.

In the dream, Kai found himself standing alone in a vast, grey landscape, an eerie fog rolling over the ground. The sky was a mass of dark clouds, and the distant mountains seemed to close in on him. The air was thick, as if the very atmosphere was suffocating him.

Suddenly, shadowy figures began to emerge from the mist, their forms shifting and changing into strange creatures, their faces hidden in darkness. They whispered in harsh, unintelligible tones, their voices merging into a chorus that echoed through the void.

Kai’s heart pounded in his chest as he tried to move, but his legs felt like lead, each step a struggle against some kind of invisible force.

A figure stepped forward from the shadows, its face hidden by a dark hood.
Kai felt an icy chill as the figure drew closer, a sense of dread biting at him. The figure raised a hand, revealing a glinting, silver object—a dagger, its blade shimmering strangely in the darkness. Kai’s breath quickened, and he tried to scream, but no sound came out.

The figure advanced, and the dagger’s edge gleamed as it moved closer to him.

Just as the blade made contact, Kai jolted awake, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps. Tears streamed down his face, his body trembling with the remnants of the nightmare. His eyes darted around the dimly lit room, the shadows cast by the rain-slicked windows seeming to press in on him.

He closed his eyes again, shaking his head as he sobbed while thinking to himself, "Don't open your eyes." Over and over again.

Taehyun, having stirred from the noise, glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It was 2:57 AM. Hearing Kai’s distressed sounds, he quickly scrambled out of bed, and his movements swift but careful. He crossed the room to where Kai sat, still curled up and whimpering softly.

Without a word, Taehyun gently wiped the tears from Kai’s cheeks with a tender touch. He placed a hand on Kai’s back, feeling the shudders that wracked his body. With a practised ease, Taehyun scooped Kai up, cradling him with one arm under his legs and the other around his back.

Kai, still lost in his nightmare, didn’t react as Taehyun carried him to his bed. Taehyun laid him down gently, pulling the blanket up to cover him. He stroked Kai’s hair soothingly, whispering soft, reassuring words that seemed to help calm the younger's shivering.

Seeing the uncomfortable chair where Kai had been sitting, Taehyun glanced at it with a mix of sympathy and guilt. He noticed the spot next to Kai, still warm and inviting, and made a quick decision.

Taehyun carefully settled himself next to Kai. And slowly, Taehyun’s own exhaustion began to catch up with him.

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