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Strange. He really did understand Kai.

And as sleep finally began to pull him under, Kai felt a sense of peace that he hadn’t known he was missing. It wasn’t just about the cuddling, or the way Taehyun’s hand gently held him, or the.. kiss—it was about the strange connection they had, something that grew stronger each night they spent together, but felt like it was there all along.

The sunrise's light poured in from the cracks in the curtains. Taehyun stood frozen, his breath held as the pounding on the door continued. The heavy thuds were followed by frustrated murmurs, the intruders clearly struggling with the locks Taehyun had insisted on installing himself. Each second felt like an eternity, the tension in the room thick and suffocating.

Kai clung to Taehyun, his mind racing. He could hear the attempts to break through the door, the jarring sound of tools scraping against metal. But those locks had been carefully chosen by Taehyun, specifically to withstand forced entry. Still, they both knew it was only a matter of time before the intruders found another way in or decided to escalate their efforts.

Finally, after what felt like hours but was only minutes, the noise ceased. The silence that followed was deafening. Taehyun didn’t move, his body still taut, ears straining for any sign that they were still in danger. But there was nothing—no footsteps, no more banging. Just silence.

"They're gone," Taehyun said quietly, but his tone was firm, leaving no room for doubt. He kept Kai close, his grip strong, as he finally allowed himself to relax, just slightly. But they both knew this wasn’t over.

Kai looked up at him, eyes wide with a mixture of fear and determination. "We can’t stay here, can we?"

Taehyun shook his head, his expression hardening. "No. We need to pack everything and leave, right now."

Without another word, they got up, freshening up, and began moving quickly through the apartment, gathering every essential item. Kai grabbed his and Taehyun's clothes, his hoodies, personal belongings, his perfume, and anything else he could think of while Taehyun packed their documents, electronics, and anything else they couldn’t afford to leave behind. The apartment, once a safe haven, was now just another potential trap.

Taehyun moved with the precision of someone who had done this before, his actions swift and deliberate. Kai followed his lead, the urgency in Taehyun’s movements pushing him to keep up.

Within an hour, the apartment was stripped of everything. They stood in the entryway, surrounded by hastily packed bags, the tension between them palpable.

"Let’s go," Taehyun said, his voice steady, but with an edge that Kai had rarely heard before. It was the voice of a man prepared to protect, to do whatever it took to keep them safe.

They made their way to the parking garage, Taehyun scanning their surroundings with every step. Kai’s car was parked near the exit, a sleek, large vehicle that now felt like their only chance at getting out of this ugly mess.

Taehyun didn’t hesitate, tossing the bags into the backseat before sliding into the driver’s seat. Kai handed him the keys without a word, trusting him completely. He knew Taehyun would get them out of there, away from whatever threat had found them in the early hours of the morning.

As they pulled out onto the street, the city was beginning to wake up. The usual morning hustle was in full swing, people going about their day. But for Kai and Taehyun, everything had changed.

The drive was silent, the only sound the hum of the engine as they moved through the city, Taehyun’s eyes focused on the road ahead. Kai watched him, the lines of concentration etched on his face, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly.

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