Chapter 7

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I jump as I make my way into the shared space of our cabin, my hand darting to where my dagger is hidden. Was hidden. ATC does not allow us to carry them on us. Katalina sits on the middle of the floor. Her smooth chocolate limbs twisted into a pretzel looking shape. I go to turn around and retreat back into my room when she sighs.

"There is no use trying not to interrupt me when you have already done so." She says, her voice smooth.

"I'm sorry." I say immediately feeling guilty. "I didn't know anyone else was up."

"It's okay," She says, shrugging as he unfolds her pretzeled limbs and stands. "I wasn't as focused as I needed to be anyways."

I nod, fiddling with the hem of my black shirt, identical to the one she has on.

"Your aura,." Kat says suddenly. "Its very unusual, i haven't seen one like that."

"ALL CADETS." Schringers voice echoes through the speakers. "REPORT TO THE HALL."

Liam makes his way out of his room a frown resting on his face,

"What do you think it is?" He says, looking at me.

"I don't know," I whisper.

Julian strides out of his room, dragging a hand through his inky black hair. He has a face that I would just love to wipe the floor with one day.

Malakai walks out, the last of our group, rubs his eyes which are bloodshot. Like he hasn't gotten enough sleep.

We make our way out into the hallway. It's empty. I fall into step next to Katalina.

"So you can see auras?" I question.

"Yes." She says smiling at me. "It's an ability I developed at a young age. Also please call me Kat."

I nod to Liam "What's his aura?"

"Tan. Seemingly for dependability" She says without missing a beat.

I point to Julian.

"Gold. I guess for greed."

Now to Malakai.

"Orange. Most likely for courage."

I hum. "That's so cool, you said mine was unusual, what do you mean by that?"

The bang of the stone hall doors cut Kat off from replying.

"Ah Redthorpe troupe," Sergeant Schringer booms, "Nice of you to join us."

15 pairs of eyes stare at us from the seats of the hall. My hair stands up on its end. We are late.

"Take a seat." Schringer orders.

We scramble up the steps and take the 5 seats in the front row.

"As part of your assimilation into the academy," Schringer says, "you all will journey to the front lines."

Gasps echo through the hall, bouncing off the stone walls, floors, and ceiling. I shuffle in my seat nerves bubbling in my veins. A journey to the front lines? Where we see the fighting?

"Now you shall meet up with your troupe leader and follow their instructions." Schringer says, dismissing us.

I stand and walk with Liam and Kat over to Redthorn's towering form. He crosses his arms, muscles bulging.

"Is there a reason my troupe was late today?" He snaps, green eyes flashing with anger.

"No Sir." Malakai answers immediately, standing up straighter.

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