Speaking with Splinter

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You waited on the couch for what felt like an eternity, but really it had only been a couple of minutes. The silence in the lair was deafening. A faint, constant ringing in your ears could be heard, you swore. Whatever Master Splinter was telling Leonardo, or vice-versa, must've been hefty because it was taking forever.

Not wanting to impose, not wanting to act as if the place was yours and you could do as you please, you simply stayed put and twiddled your thumbs as you waited for something to happen. However, that Space Heroes tape resting on top of the television kept catching your curious, wandering eye. You probably wouldn't get too far even if you did slip it into the player. The end result of this prolonged silence and loneliness, you figured, would be that the sensei rat would wish to speak with you as well.

After only minutes more of waiting, Leo finally emerged from the Dojo. You took note of how he looked both exhausted and relieved all at once. He met your gaze as he approached you calmly. "I'm sorry we kept you waiting so long." He told you as he leaned down, extending his hand.

"It is not a problem." You replied, gently placing your hand in his and allowing him to help you rise from the couch. "I am the one who should be sorry if I caused you any trouble."

"No, no!" Leo sputtered out with an anxious wave of his free hand. "You didn't cause us any trouble!" A playful smirk then tugged at his lips. "Well, aside for scaring us with those questions."

You lowered your head in shame. "I am truly sorry."

Leo let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. That's not what I was trying to say." Holding your hand slightly tighter now, he told you, "Master Splinter wishes to talk to you. I think you should talk to him before anything else is said. Okay?"

"Okay." You nodded back.

You allowed the leader in blue to lead you to the Dojo, and what a sight it was. While you had seen the place a few times already in your visions, there was something very much different about standing in it for real and seeing it in person with your own eyes. The Dojo overall looked very homely. Although knowing it was the heart of the turtles' training, the room was very peaceful and felt very safe. The tree growing in the middle of the room, oddly enough under a ray of sunlight, was remarkable. It was unlike any tree specimen that had ever made its way into the Kraang labs. That was the part you had been waiting to see the most.

Sitting underneath the tree was Master Splinter. The man—rather, the rat—was dressed nicely in his dark red robe sitting before a very small tea set. Across from him was a square pillow, just in the other side of the small platter the tea set was sitting on. He seemed to be internally focused, as his eyes were closed and his breathing was trained, yet on the outside he seemed calm.

Leo, still guiding you by hand, led you over to the cushion and helped you sit down. The second his hand left yours once you were comfortable, you began to feel slightly anxious at the distance between a familiar figure while sitting before the unfamiliar one. Even though you had seen glimpses into the discussion ready to come a couple of times, and no matter how many visions you saw of Master Splinter being the caring and wise man he is, something about finally sitting before him made it a lot more real. That also made it a lot more scary.

"Do not be afraid, my child." The rat spoke slowly as he opened his eyes, having sensed your unease. "I merely wish to speak to you."

You turned to Leo, and your anxious stare promoted the turtle to say with a reassuring smile, "You can trust him. Although I'm sure you already knew that." A tentative nod was sent his way as your form of response.

"Leonardo." Master Splinter announced. "Thank you, my son. You may leave." Both he and you watched as Leo gave a tense bow before leaving the room, sliding the door closed behind him. Once his son had gone, the rat said not a word more as he began to pour some steaming tea into your cup, then his. "Please, have some tea."

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