Another World Snippet : Try Again

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"What is that...thing?" Jessie yelled as an impossibly tall dragon rose up on its feet, towering over their party and roaring menacingly. 

"la~lalala~" Towa hummed excitedly, just like normal.

"What Towa means to say," Yuri scoffed in his usual arrogant tone, "is that this anomaly is called Hypertorino. It's basically a giant dragon which shoots fire that curses people. It's entirely made out of diamond--so no normal blow can stop it. And whatever you shoot at it, if it concentrates on the item, it can send the shot homing back towards you and hit you with your own attack."

"It's one of the more troublesome anomalies," Jin agreed. "We haven't been able to capture it for quite a while. But it seems that Omenera has commanded it to stand in our way and prevent us from following her trace."

"Ramsochisa," Lyca said again, trying to track Omenera. It took only a second before he looked northwest and told us, "She's in that direction. If we want to cross the bridge to get there, we'll have to deal with whatever this thing is first."

"Well then," Romeo lined up his aim with his sniper rifle as he told us, "Let's get this over with."

"Wait, weren't you listening?" Subaru stopped Romeo from shooting, and the two barely ducked and rolled as Hypertorino's tail slammed down against the ground where they had been standing seconds earlier. "Yuri said you can't attack it with normal shots, and it'll probably repel it back at you and kill you instead."

"Probably wasn't a good idea to bring Alan then," Rui laughed lightly. The green-haired giant just offered him a glare in return.

"So...what's the best way to take him down?" Jessie huffed to catch her breath as Jin yanked her aside, barely preventing the dragon from roasting her with his evil flames.

"Well...I think I may have an idea," Leon piped up timidly.

"Oh really? What's this idea then?" Yuri scoffed mockingly. 

Paying no attention to the doctor's tone, Leon explained his plan in detail to them, staying invisible while doing so to avoid strikes from Hypertorino.

"Agnihaet," Yuri murmured. Jessie wondered what he was doing with his stigma...until he declared, "Based on my calculations, there are at the very least 5000 ways this plan could go wrong."

"I don't see YOU any offering any suggestions, Isami," Romeo dismissed his worries scornfully. "I say we go with lizard-boy's plans." His amethyst eyes glinted with malice as he eyed Yuri watchfully.

"I--" Yuri began angrily, but was cut off by Rui saying, "All right, guys, chill out, okay? Let's try Leon's plan. It's the best idea we have."

Yuri resigned himself to agree with the blonde, but not before he let out one last huff. 

I leaped away from another blow from the anomaly as I readied my powers, red and yellow spheres glinting in my palm.

Just like planned, Hypertorino's attention turned to Subaru, Rui and Romeo, who were all pointing their special artifacts at the anomaly, allowing Jin to slowly sneak to me unnoticed. But just when I thought we had won, the anomaly whirled around and eyed me with the ferocity of a thousand suns. And before I could react, the world around me faded off and was replaced by a reddish, dark one that smelled faintly of burnt copper.

The dragon anomaly cracked an evil grin as it eyed me, pawing its claws on the ground restlessly as it cackled, "Try again!"

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