Chapter 5

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"I can't see anything!",I scream. Luke laughs:"You don't need to scream! And not seeing anything is the actual point." "What am I supposed to do?", I ask. "Use the force!" "That's all?",I reply. Luke doesn't answers. So I guess: Yes! Suddenly, I hear a annoying sound. Then I feel how pain strikes through my left arm and I scream. Somebody or something was attacking me and I couldn't see! But before I could get attacked again,I remember Lukes words:'Use the Force' How was I supposed to do that? I slowly began to get nervous and there was no way I could stop that feeling! The annoying sound made tense. It came from everywhere. It felt likes if it would fly around me. Suddenly, I have an idea. That was it! What if the noise came from my attacker? I concentrate on the sound and after a while I could see my enemy. Well, actually I couldn't see anything, but I felt it and through the force-I think that it's the force-I could see it. I drew out my lightsaber and block the next attack. Then,I lower my saber, but before my attacker could use this opportunity, I raise my saber again and split it into two pieces. I pull the helmet over my head and say:"I won!" ,with a smile on my face. Luke answers with a quiet laugh.

I stand in front of one of the large windows of the spaceship and think about my family, when we land on a stoney hill with an enormous few from above a very stoned and gray planet. I sight, I hate places with no source of green, that grew throughout the landscape. Morgun came and stood beside me. "It's not that bad!",he interrupts the silence. I look up:"What do you mean?" He answers:"This place..." Then he walks away. "Well, we will see!",I say to myself, and follow me.

"Welcome to the School for Jedi!",Luke says as we enter the only beautiful building on this 'planet'-like I found out. The gates were golden and walls that protected the pressures inside were made of marble. Before we can entere the School, we have to cross a beautiful and large garden which wasn't only fuild with gorgeous flowers and green hedges ,but also with mighty statues of important Jedi or even Sith(that were defeated). The only thing,I could do, was stare. At these enormous statues which were wonderfully build. In the middle of the garden a statue stood all by itself with a circle of blue flowers all around it. The statue was bigger than the others and soo pretty...I stoped walking. It was a girl, with long smooth hair and big shiny eyes. She looked into the frightened eyes of her enemy. But she wasn't about to kill him-I'm pretty sure that he was a boy-it was like a picture of an internal struggle. In the one hand, she is holding a lightsaber above her head, ready to kill her enemy. The other hand wanted to help him up. "I never understood this statuette others are quit simple, but this one...",Morgan says behind me. He again had approached me in the silence. I shake my head:" It's actually quit simple. I think, this statue shall warn the student of how easy it can be to step into the dark side. You feelings decide over your statement. I f you can't control if you're good or bad. If this girl is angry, he would be dead by now, and that would have led her to the dark side. If she is too soft hearted, she would be dead. But if she can control her emotions and fights him with a clear mind..." "So, what would you do?",Morgun asks. "Kill him!" "But...but you just said killing him would be the wrong decision!", he says in disbelieve. "You don't understand!",I say," It all has something to do with your feelings and emotions. Kill him with no emotions with an open head but a closed heart!" "Wow!",Morgan says,"I still don't understand it, but it makes sense!" I laugh and look into his eyes. He really has pretty eyes. Beautiful green eyes, with brown sprinkles in them. His whole face looks actually very good... "Guys, come on, we have to get inside!",Luke comes around a corner. I turn and quickly nod:" Exactly,I'm sorry!" Morgun steps forward:"It's my fault master, I asked her what the meaning of the statue is." And? What did you say?",Luke asks. I want to respond but Luke shakes his head and says:"No, we don't have any time for this. Follow me now, please!" And then we enter the School.

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