Chapter 6

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"Wow, the outside was already impressive, but this is...",I sight after trying to stare at everything at the same time. "You can't describe is, right?!",Morgun responds. I nod. When we had entered the School we were greeted by a thick, red carpet which led us into the great hall. The great hall was build like a Colosseum, but much bigger. Before I can gasp again,Luke stands in fronton Morgun and me and says:" You will tell her everything you know about this Building and show her very room she is allowed in. Do you understand me Morgun? Don't leave her side until I'm back!" Morgun nods and Luke leafs us alone. "So, where are we going?"

First, Morgun led me into the dining room. Four big, long tables where placed in it. Morgun pointed to the nearest and smallest table. "This is the first-years table. That one over there is for the second-year students. Then the apprentices table and this one is the Jedi masters." "Okay, and what do you learn in the different grades?", I ask. "Well, in the first grade you learn what the force actually is and start using it. But without a lightsaber. That, you get in your second year. You start learning to fight with it. Then, the teachers decide who will trade you privately and you become an apprentice. Sooner or later your master will tell that you learned everything he knows and orders to declare you to a Jedi master.", Morgun ended his explanation. We walk pass the tables and enter an enormous stairwell. "Wow!", I breath. "Where are we going now?", I ask after calming down a little. Every stairs has an other relief, which tells an other story. I really love this building. "I don't know what to show to you...I mean, there are rooms. But I don't know which year you are. So the only left room I can show you is the library.", Morgun replies. "Yeah, lets go there!", I'm so exited. "But first...",Morgun interrupts," lets eat something! It's Lunchtime.

"You can sit at my table for today. And if somebody asks: We don't have any clear answers to your grade yet.", Morgun says while leading me to the apprentices table. We sit down and smell of backed fish welcomes me. I realize how hungry I am and immediately start eating. I didn't eat anything since my mom gave me breakfast for School. I completely lost the track.
My mom..., I suddenly start crying. Why now? I quickly wipe the tears, but Morgun already saw them. But I don't to talk about my family. Not in public. So I ask:"Who are the others at the table?" He seems to understand and nods:"This is Amber", he points at a girl with green hair and silvery eyes. She smiles at me and I shortly greet her with a wave, "Riley and Meave." A girl with big bat ears and blond, curly hair and a black haired girl with little eyes and red cheeks stair at me. Everybody wares a brown toga with a black belt around their waist. "And you can call me Sane!", somebody had approached, without me noticing it. I turn my head. A boy with the same uniform as everyone else stands behind me. "Leave her alone Sane!", Morgun says. "Cool down, I just want to give her some time to fall in love with me!", Sane replies by smirking at the same time. I roll my eyes and concentrate on my food. Sane sits down beside me and now I could take a closer look at him. He has a clear-cut face with slightly dimples. His lips are full and red. But his looks weren't that interesting, shure, he didn't look bad, he even was very hot, but attached to his belt was a lightsaber. "Is that a lightsaber?", I ask. "Yes honey, it is. Do you want to have a closer look?", Sane answers. "Yes please!" He places it on the table and I grab it. "Hey, be careful, it's still a weapon!" "Chill!", I reply. I can feel Morguns smile through my back. "Which colour does it have?" "Are you serious? It's still white of course!", he says. "Sorry.", I answer , while giving back his saber, "But Morgun has a blue one." "Yes, I'm the only one. But I also was the first of them beginning School.",Morgun clicks into the conversation. "Ah!"
Suddenly, Luke stands in front of our table:"Good day everybody. Fay, welcome at the School for Jedi! You're a student of us now AND master Kitanas apprentice. Here is your timetable and the uniform. I will leave the rest to you guys. I wish you a brilliant time, 'till we meet again. Bye everyone!", and of he went.
"Well, I gues you're one of us now!", Morgun brakes the silence. He smiles at me and I smile back.
I have a new home and maybe the beginning of a family.

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