Chapter 2 - Lost Forest 🌳

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Fireflies are illuminated around the meme guardians, one of them grunts in pain and lift his head. SMG3 observes his surroundings and slowly sits up for a better view. He holds on to his stomach, glazes around the dark green wonderland, the little bugs flutter their presence and glowing plants glitter the environment. He sees his friend lying down on the dirt and kicks his meme partner's butt lightly.

"Dude get up..."

"In 5 minutes..."

SMG4 responded quietly and whined from the fall. He wasn't ready to get up with bruises and show his weakness at his friend. Three rolls his eyes and scratches behind his head until his little gift from Eggdog crumples onto the dirt, the poor flower is crushed with missing petals and looks lifeless. He scoops it up gently, frowns because this is from his puppy whom he loves and cherishes and brushes it with his finger.

"I'm sorry Eggdog that daddy didn't save you in time..."

SMG3 whispered. He decides to bury the flower before SMG4 sees it and places his hand on top of the buried dirt. Four finally sits up and looks over to Three with a weak smile.

"At least we didn't end up in the hospital right?"

He said that with a nervous chuckle and shrugs. SMG3 deadpans at him and gives him the silent treatment. He glares at the burial once again while Four shivers as he rubs his arms and one of the fireflies lands on top of his cap.

"Where are we? It's so spooky and scary..."

"In a forest for sure...a deep, cold and dark one."

SMG3 replied to SMG4's question when he felt a slight warmth on his side. He turns his head around and sees his friend clinging to his arm, still shivering and nuzzles his shoulder. Three wants to shove Four away from him and yell at him for being gay and clingy but seeing the pity in his sad blue eyes, searching for comfort like a lost puppy and wimping from the coldness and pain breaks his heart. He brings his ex-archnemesis closer to his chest and wraps his arm around him. Four is surprised by the sudden movement but he ain't complain about it and enjoys Three's kindness.

"Thank you..."

SMG4 said with a small smile and embraced SMG3's chest.

"Whatever you better not tell anyone about this! This is gonna be the last time I'm doing something nice to you! GOT IT!?"

"Yeah yeah whatever you say so tsundere!"

SMG3 is irritated with SMG4 but he continues to comfort him no matter how annoying and stupid he can be. The boys stay like this for a while, thinking about their poor beloved pets and praying that they're okay. 

The full moon dims the forest, the meme guardians stroll around to find shelter or anywhere safe for the night. Four is still cold, grabs Three's hand and gives a tight squeeze. His friend raises a brow in confusion, yanks his hand out and crosses his arms while the poor meme boi pouts and sighs in sadness. They'd been walking for hours, feeling exhausted and hopeless. The boys aren't giving up and preparing for anything in their way.

The branches creaked with every step they took, ruffling through leaves and still following the path. SMG3 groans in annoyance while SMG4 looks down on the ground.

"Ugh we're lost! We're going in a circle for hours!"

Four listens to his friend's complaint with a chuckle until he finds a small building with a long ladder. It's a lovely and peaceful habitat, all wooden on the nature tree and it seems less occupied. SMG4 smiles with joy and points at it.

"Look Three! A Treehouse! :D"

SMG3 raises his head and snickers.

"You mean, this is Three's house!"

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