Chapter 4

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The slam of the lockers didn't even startle me as they usually did. I was still thinking about last night...It had been horrible. I didn't blame Tara...I just wish I would've gone with Oz or something instead.

I'd accepted because I thought she'd meant just her and me. The rest was just...overwhelming. And I felt an intense desire to stuff a sock in Anna's mouth.

I shouldn't think that... I closed my locker and went about my day. First I had to go to the library, apparently Buffy had found something on patrol...

But all I really wanted to do was see Tara. The touches were still there, as if they had only just happened.

Maybe I'd see her at some point...I could only hope.

I entered the library where the others were already discussing but they looked up as I came in.

Xander was the first to speak. "Hey Will."

I sat down in one of the chairs, they all looked awkward, and Giles pretended to clean his glasses like he always did.

They had been talking about me. The tension in the air was clear.

Giles stopped the "cleaning" and looked over at Buffy, cleared his throat. "Buffy, you said this demon was different."

Even Buffy seemed awkward. "Oh yeah, yeah. Different. Had a weird aura thing. Almost like...glowy."

"The correct word is glowing." He adjusted his glasses. "Was...Faith with you?"

"Nope, haven't seen her since the first night. Hey, I'm not complaining." She seemed incredibly happy in fact.

Giles shook his head. "Buffy, she is important."

"I'll tell you what else she is: self-righteous, selfish, cocky, arrogant, downright st- Faith!"

Faith had just entered the library, her usual swagger accompanying.

"What up B?" She sat on the table. "I'm going to assume you were talking about a demon. One that needs its ass kicked?"

Anya spoke up for her. "No actually, she was just listing everything bad about y-"

Xander stifled her mouth quickly, nodding and smiling to Faith. He was never good at acting casual...or lying. "The demon. Everything bad about the demon."

Faith didn't look convinced but couldn't do anything before Giles took charge again.

"So, here's what we know. It's-"

She interrupted him. "Yeah, yada yada yada. Holy...are all you Watchers the same? Do they just clone you? Get me a stake, punch it a bit...adds to the fun...then boom, gone."

Giles looked slightly embarrassed at being called out like that and adjusted his glasses again, something I'd learned was one of his nervous habits. Then the throat clearing.

...Which came a few seconds later. Knew it. I had to help him. But I was a little scared of Faith, in all honesty. I tried not to be, but she was everything I wasn't. Here goes...

"Well...I think we should just let Giles talk. It might not be just a simple demon." Phew...Did it.

Giles looked at me gratefully and began to talk but was interrupted by Faith again, who was directing the speech towards me.

"You're a little goody two shoes, aren't you? You know, I can't help thinking you don't even fit into this little group dynamic. I mean, let's see...We've got Slayers, werewolf, even Xander has some use with his little vengeance demon pet! And what do you do? Sit there and help research?"

Anya spoke up. "EX demon!"

"Well...I uh..." I wanted to say I help with getting into databases...I help a lot, but I couldn't.

I felt Oz stand up beside me, the first time he'd talked since I'd walked in. It was quite an aggressive tone. "Hey, Willow does a lot. She has every right to be here. Back off."

I looked up at him. I knew he was trying to help; be a good boyfriend and he was...definitely. But what if Faith was right? I mean, what else did I do besides the hacking and researching? Buffy's sidekick...? A tag along.

Faith chuckled and smirked a little but backed off.

Giles was finally able to talk but I didn't really pay attention. Faith had given me a reality check.

Then they were preparing things: weapons, making sure they knew weaknesses, everything about the demon.

As I looked, I saw how each one of them could help. But I couldn't. Research was already done...nothing needed decrypting...or hacking. I didn't even belong in the Scoobies anymore.

Buffy came up to me and I smiled a little. At least she hadn't forgotten me. "Will, you can go if you want. We already have everything researched and you'll be late. We'll see you later."

My stomach dropped. Even Buffy wanted me gone? I'll take the sidekick, I didn't care, but I didn't want to lose my only friends. And Xander, who'd been my friend for years...He was too busy with Anya. Oz...He was the only one who looked over and then came over after Buffy left.

"Oz...I don't-"

"It's okay...We'll be fine. You know Buffy, it'll be gone quickly. We're just trying to keep you safe."

Safe. They were babying me. It made me sadden further. Even my boyfriend was pushing me out for "protection."

"Will, I'll talk to you later. I promise..." He kissed me though it wasn't familiar again. It was becoming a strange feeling, and I didn't like it. It was like I was losing him...and maybe I was.

He smiled but it seemed forced then turned back to the group as I looked back at the library, the group of them preparing. I saw Faith smirk a little as she saw me leaving.

The fear I'd had come true. Faith had pushed me out.

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