Cuddly toy

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Word count: 765When you reached your room

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Word count: 765
When you reached your room. Jonesy was waiting for you at the edge of the bed. He stood up and wiped the hair from your face. "Good morning love " he said sweetly. Feeling guilty about your dream you ignored his affections.

" I think we should get ready cause I still need to take my photo of you." You mumbled while looking at the dresser. "Um, ok, yeah." After you grabbed your clothes and made it into the spare room to change you thought about how he was feeling. What if he was mad at you for not waking up next to him. No, you ruled that out he was too much of a sweetheart. There was only two things in the spare bedroom, A mirror and a chest. The only thing that the chest had in it was a few of your exes old shirts, and your pot stash. You looked in the mirror and fixed your hair. Your outfit was perfect for the weather outside. It was a crisp fall day.

The two of you decided just to take a photo of him sitting Indian style upside down

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The two of you decided just to take a photo of him sitting Indian style upside down. You both had toast while waiting for the photo to be done. Once it was finished you hurried into the car with the canvas box that contained the photos. You shared barely any words on the way to class. You blamed it on tiredness every time he asked if you were alright.

Both of you only had one class. Until now you had completely forgotten that your best friend, June, was going to meet you after class. All you were going to do was go shopping so you didn't think she would mind accompanying you to the show.

The class went by quickly all you did was write down notes about natural lighting and turn in the photos. When it was over Jonsey walked up to you and took your hands. "I can't wait to see you play your heart out later." You said walking your fingers up his chest. "I can't wait to watch you in the crowd." He smiled at you.

June opened the door as the two of you approached it. "I missed you so much Y/N!" She gave you a huge bear hug. She had been the one to turn you onto the hippie scene. She looked as if she cane straight from San Fran. Jonsey stared at the two of you. "Hello my name is John Paul jones." He politely reached out for a handshake. June went for a hug instead. "Hello John I'm June." After pulling away she grabbed you hand and lead you out the door. Before it closed you blew a kiss to him and waved.

"Tell me what happened now." June said excitedly speeding up to a pace that forced you to start running with her. When you hopped into Junes Chrysler ford you told her everything that had happened. The whole time June didn't make a sound she just sat there nodding and her smile growing. When you finished you nonchalantly added that the two of you would be going to watch him tonight. You both squealed like little girls.

June pulled into your driveway and the two of you bounded up the stairs and you both raced upstairs to your closet. You had to admit you had quite the ridiculous amount of clothes.

It took the both of you around an hour to change for the gig. You were wearing sheer leggings and extremely risky sheer top with a crochet tap over it. And some black clogs.

 And some black clogs

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You chose not to put a bra on

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You chose not to put a bra on. Unless you really really looked you couldn't see anything. While June was taking her pick you went to the guest room grabbed a matchbox and a joint from the chest and put up. Completely disregarding the no smoking in the house rule. When you came back to her she had changed. She wore a dress and some white boots.

 She wore a dress and some white boots

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"Ok June it's time to go. It might take a while so we can bring the joint ." You smiled at her waving the joint. "Ok girl let's go!" She shouted locking arms with you and you both ran off and climbed back into your car. It had gotten warmer through the day. You passed the joint to June as you put your head out the window to smell the fall air.

This was just a filler chapter so we could get to the gig and introduce a new character thank you for following this story so much🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

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