What Being an Alterhuman is and Isnt

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What it is:
-Identifyng as that animal (anything about identifying with an animal is about Therian)
-Feeling connected with nature
-A spiritual belief
-A mental belief (or both!)
-Knowing you have an animal soul
-Knowing you have a past life (not all alterhumans belief in past lives but that doesn't make you invalid)

What it Isnt:
-Just liking or loving the animal
-Doing quadrobics or wearing gear
-Something you choose to be
-An attraction to animals
-Just liking or loving nature
-An oc
-Being a furry

Your Still Valid If:
-You cant/don't want to do quadrobics
-You cant/don't want/ cant afford gear
-You don't get dysphoria (the next part will be on that so stay tuned)
-You have a big list of 'types
-You don't have supportive friends/parents/family/peers
-You don't like the animal you are
-You like being human

Little Note:
Please kindly correct me if any part of this text has misinformation or insensitive parts and I'll either remove them or fix them up depending what the problem is! And I do have school so you will have to be flexible with the hours I can write. For some parts, like the one on dysphoria I'm about to write, might be triggering for some people so I am putting a viewer discretion warning at the top, please suggest parts bc I have NO ideas! Stay safe and read on <3!

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