Got murder on my mind

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Why am i enjoying this one more than the other ones i made??? is it cause im writing this while its in drafts and unposted???











Katsuki's Pov

after i left Izukus place i looked over at the girls apartment. i couldnt get her out of my wasnt cause she was wasnt because she was my was because she flirted with MY Izuku.

'How dare she perposefully squish her chest and get all in his face to get his attention!? She took his eyes away from me! hes MINE!' i got my thoughts taken away from me as the ding of the elevator rang. i see people go to get off then get back on realizing they hit the wrong button.

once they were gone i shove an envelope under her door, the call and get on an elevator. when the elevator gets to the lobby i go to my car and quick changes into an all black and a hint of red outfit, i have a hood over my blonde hair and a black mask over my face. i go to an alley way and wait. after a little bit i heard steps.

_TW- Gore, Violence, Screaming, guts, torture, Murder_

When i see who it is i pull her by her hair. she goes to speak but i muffle her with my hands and say "How dare you talk to my Prince!?" she was crying, obviously scared for her life. i pull her by her hair towards a farther part of the alley way. i could feel chunks of her hair being pulled. her nice bobbed hair now being mixed with blood.

I use her hair to pick her up and hold a knife to her throat "You took his eyes off of me...thats a very..very bad idea" i told her with a murderous look in my eye. i knew she looked scared and i loved it that way. i slowly cut her neck making it bleed just a little. i could feel her shaking against me

"You were so confident about how you looked earlier...lets fix that.." After she struggled a bit. i was able to strap her to a chair and tape her mouth shut forever. i cut her skin up all up and down her legs and arms. i couldnt stand her clearly fake boobs so i cut them completely off. she was screaming and crying as blood oozed out of her where her boobs should be. organs and bones were clearly visable and it was clear she was going to die in a few seconds so i quickly decapitated her.

Her head rolled on the ground as well as her hair. her body now limp against the chair. i put her body in a large bag then threw it in an old Lake no one goes to because all tones of shit was thrown in it. once i saw her useless body start to drift i start laughing like a maniac.

Once i finished i cleaned off all the ugly bitches guts and skin and blood of my clothes. i had walked home from there and climbed in a window so no one saw me like this and my car wouldnt have blood. 

_TW Over! (Sorry for those who read it and like Ochaco)

Once i changed i went to get my car (he left it and went home and cleaned his dirty killing clothes, for those who didnt read the gore bit) Once i got my car i drove home. once i got home i sat on the couch watching the time as it hit 1 am...i groan then go to my room to quickly pass out so i can go see my Prince in the morning...

Oh how i love this game~.











Tada! i was presently shocked when the gore wasnt terrible!!! yay!!

QnA for you guys!: What year in school are you? if not in school what are you guys wanting to work as??


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