Twenty two | T H E G U N

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— the next day

I woke up in the dead of night, my bladder screaming for attention. I tossed off the covers and got out of bed, trying not to disturb Rafe, who was snoring softly beside me. I padded to the bathroom, the cool tile floor sending chills to my body.

As I sat on the toilet, I did my business and then reached for the toilet paper. But as I wiped, my mind started to wander. When was the last time I had my period? I thought back, trying to remember. Had it been a month? Two months? My heart started to race as I realized it had been two months since I last had my period.

I got up and washed my hands, my mind racing with possibilities. I hadn't been eating much lately, and I knew that could affect my cycle. But what if it wasn't just that? What if...?

I pushed the thought aside, trying not to get ahead of myself. I needed to be sure. I looked around the bathroom, my eyes scanning the countertops until I spotted the box I was looking for. I got down on my hands and knees and rummaged under the sink.

I pulled out a pregnancy test and ripped open the packaging. My hands were shaking as I held the test stick in one hand and the instruction sheet in the other. I peed on the stick, my heart racing with anticipation.

I put the test stick on the counter and waited. The instructions said to wait three minutes, but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep until I knew the results. I got back into bed, trying to calm my racing thoughts.

Rafe didn't stir as I lay down beside him. I turned to face him, and to my surprise, his eyes were open, looking right at me. He didn't say anything, just kept looking at me, his face expressionless.

I lay there, my heart pounding in my chest, waiting for the test results. I had a feeling it would come back negative. Rafe and I were always careful, always used protection. But what if...

I pushed the thought aside, trying to focus on the present moment. I lay there, my body tense, gazing into Rafe's restless blue eyes, moonlight casting shadows on his skin. He tenderly brushes a strand of hair from my face, his thumb gently caressing my cheek. Although he offers a weak smile, I can sense something was wrong.

I place my hand on his rapidly beating heart and meet his gaze, "What's wrong?"

"Um..." He shakes his head just thinking about it. "It's just that i'm scared that one day the cops are going to come in here and just... lock us up for good."

I brush the hair out of his face, "I would never let that happen. I promise."

In response, he plants a kiss on my forehead. Just as I'm about to drift off again, my eyes open when I hear a whisper, "Rafe."

As if he's been on edge this entire time, Rafe quickly whirls around. My eyes find Ward standing at the ledge of the bed, his expression full of worry.

Noticing that I'm still awake, Rafe looks at me before turning his attention back to his father. "What? What is it?" he asks.

Ward raises a hand. "I need your guys' help." Quietly, we follow him downstairs and out to his truck.

"I need you two to just stay calm and stay quiet, okay?" He said to us, pulling a blanket off the bed of the trunk.

Laying in the truck bed was an unconscious body. I should probably have a reaction to seeing such a thing, but my mind just wouldn't let me.

"What is that?" Rafe asked.

"It's a body, Son."

"Oh my God. Oh my God. It's a body? I gotta know. Did you do this? Whose... whose body is it?" Rafe starts to spazz out.

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