Creek's point of view.

I'd sit on top of a log , the sun was beginning to set. That didn't bother me though. I'd watch the sunset interested by the vibrant shades of pink and orange. The sun shined brightly. Around 50 minutes later it was now nighttime. I'd think about hunting something but would think against it. Surely we already had food. I'd hear footsteps behind me. The footsteps were getting closer. I'd quickly stand up. Whatever was walking by surely didn't seem friendly. I'd jump off of the log. I'd look around before seeing a pair of 2 yellow eyes staring at me. I'd hiss at it. They'd hiss back. Well atleast I knew it was a cat , hopefully.

" Who are you?! " I'd yell.
No response.

" Show yourself! " I'd yell once again.
No response.

At this point i sounded crazy. If any cat was walking by they'd think I was insane. But I didn't care. I surely didn't care at all. I am going to get this thing out of the group grounds before it does something bad.

Rubystones point of view.

I'd walk through the forest , all I needed was a branch to finish the last part of my bed. I crept through the bushes , attempting to be as quiet. I saw a branch in the distance , the last one I needed. I dashed towards it , forgetting I was in groupcat grounds. I'd finally reach the branch , I'd hold it in my mouth as if it was fresh-kill. I was inside a bush. I heard a hiss , I'd hiss back. They'd yell at me to show myself. I would stay still before running away. Into the distant forest , the cat would run after me. I easily out ran the cat. The cat was far behind me but I kept running until I made it back to my cave. I was sure they didn't follow me. I'd slip into the cave. I'd place down the last branch , all I needed was fur , feathers and moss to finish my bed. I'd stare at the unfinished bed , proud of my work. I'd hear the birds beginning to chirp. Light would shine into the cave. It's day already? I thought , no wonder my eyes felt so heavy. I'd lay on the prickly branch bed before drifting off to sleep.
End of chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27 ⏰

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