Two: Too Much Information For One Sitting

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Squary Note:

Again, this is a pretty slow paced chapter... I'm also sorry for the shortness of this one, hopefully once the plot gets moving, these chapters will be a lot faster to write.

I would also like to thank everybody for their patience, waiting since I finished exams and all...

I'm made to sit down in a caravan beside my friend, Yuki-chan. She's shaking like a Chihuahua, I think I'm shuddering too, but not to that extent.

It's so uncomfortable. I just want to sink into a sofa or something, but this is awkward. Like really awkward. Not even the comforting closeness with Yuki-chan can keep me at ease. Maybe its because she's even more unhappy.

"Okay! Misa-chan, Yuki-chan, we clearly didn't choose a good time to bring you here, so I guess..."

"We?" the blue haired teen scoffs, pushing up his glasses. "You did it Nagisa-kun."

"I know, Rei-chan! But now we need to help make our new friends comfy."

"Any idea what's happening?" Yuki-chan asks, brows raised.

"Not one." I sigh.

"Okay, I know that Misa-chan is familiar with the rules of Duel Monsters." the blond states, producing a chart.

"Since they know that, all we need to do is let them know about all of this." Rei shrugs, leaning against the wall trying to seem cool and collected.

"Okay! Great idea, Rei-chan!"

Nagisa sits down in front of Yuki-chan and I.

"In this dimension, some special people have talents that are beyond the natural."

"Yes I can tell, mister plummy yet nasal tone's combustion wasn't particularly spontaneous. "

"Yuki-chan! Don't point out the obvious!" Nagisa chides before looking back to Rei and then to me.

"There's an organisation called Triple N, that have been kidnapping souls of the weak in a tablet of stone in order to feed and restore the life force of a dying mythological being."

"So wait, that chick, Gou-san or whatever, had her soul taken by that other guy...I'm so confused." Yuki-chan admits.

"Rin-chan is a top duelist, he didn't want Gou-chan to play any of Triple N, he didn't want her hurt. Seems she joined them..." The blond's gaze is distant.

"I thought she was in the middle of a tryst with Mikoshiba..."

"But she played Sei-chan and." Nagisa hiccups, bringing his forarm to his face and swiping his arm over his eyes. Is he crying.


"And she played that card!" he wails. "She played that card and lost the game!"

"Um..." Yuki-chan tries to change the subject. "What are we actually doing here?"

"It's almost embarrassing that we cannot handle this, but as you saw from our display, we're not a real team. Some of us have powers, some of us just have to rely on the heart of the cards." Rei tries to keep Yuki-chan's attention away from Nagisa.

"The heart of the what?" Yuki-chan cocks a brow.

"The heart of the cards." Nagisa repeats.

"What's that?"

"It's the belief that the cards will fall in your favour and do your bidding if you believe in them."

"Sounds pretty pathetic if you ask me."

"Shhh, Yuki-chan!" I chide my friend.

"What, Misa-chan, do you seriously believe this?"


"Well you two should believe us. We've got plenty of people that could convince you otherwise, but I don't think any of us really want to show you what we're capable of. RIGHT Nagisa-kun?"

"But Rei-chaaaaaaannnnn~" The blond drawls out. "It wasn'y myyy fault that Yuki-chan got in my way!~"

"Thanks very much." Yuki-chan frowns.

"What can you guys do?" I ask, leaning forward.

"Nagisa-kun can jump from dimensions and bring whatever he wants from said dimension to this one."

"And that's how we're here?" I prompt.

"Yes, Misaki-san." Rei pushes up his glasses.

"What about everybody else."

"Momo-chan can combust, unlike Sei-chan. Poor Sei-chan... Right, right! Rin-chan can remember all of his past lives! Mako-chan has healing powers and Rei-chan has learnt to master the power of manipulation and displacement!"

Wait, wait wait, wait, wait, this is ridiculous! How much information can my poor brain take in? This is so distressing! These poor people, they really need help...

I take a deep breath. Maybe I can help them. I hope so...

Slamming my palms on the table, I draw the males in the room's attention to me.

"Misaki-san?" Rei sounds uneasy.

"I will help you." I declare.

A box is thrown in my general direction. I try to catch it but I end up fumbling with it. Sometimes great skill in other areas mean a lack of another ability. In my case it's hand eye coordination.

"Anybody else, nobody else with cool powers?" I ask.

"Nothing really notable..." Rei-kun pushes up his glasses again.

"So you guys have badass powers and awesome cards yet you wanted me to come here?" I cock a brow.

"Stupid as it sounds, yes, Rin-chan was sure he knew which dimension you were in, he told me you would be powerful, Misa-chan."

"As much as I want to believe that Rin-san has that much faith in me, I can't."

"I'm sure he respects that, Misa-chan." Nagisa states, his magenta eyes twinkling like stars.

"I hope so..." I trail off.

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