Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Shadows of Revenge

Vixen leaned back on the cold leather couch in her brother Keith's hideaway, Silver Oaks, far from the chaotic core of Arvanport. The quiet countryside was a stark contrast to the bustling city she had left behind, and for the first time in days, she felt a fleeting sense of peace. Yet beneath that calm surface simmered an anger that refused to fade. The Godfather had nearly taken everything from her, and it was only thanks to Keith's intervention that she was sitting here alive and free.

But she wasn't satisfied with simply being safe. She wanted revenge.

Picking up the backup phone Keith had given her, she dialed Ragnar, Keith's older brother and her unofficial protector. The phone rang once, twice, then connected.

"Ragnar?" she said, her voice quiet but urgent.

"Vixen," Ragnar's deep voice answered. There was a pause, then a sharp intake of breath. "Keith told me you're in his place. What the hell happened?"

Vixen swallowed, trying to gather her thoughts. "The Godfather...he almost had me killed. I got out because of Keith."

Ragnar's voice dropped to a growl. "Dammit, Vix. I told you to stay away from him. You never listen. Now look at the mess you're in."

"I didn't plan for this!" Vixen snapped, her patience fraying. "I didn't know he would turn on me like that."

"You've always been too reckless," Ragnar replied, his tone sharp with frustration. "But we'll fix this. No one messes with family and gets away with it. I'll deal with the Godfather myself."

Vixen's heart hammered in her chest. Ragnar was deadly when it came to payback, and she knew he wouldn't hesitate to take down the Godfather if it came to that. "You're sure?"

There was a moment of silence, and then Ragnar's voice came through the line again, cold and calculating. "He'll pay. I promise."

After the call, Vixen was still fuming. She paced around the room, her thoughts racing. Ragnar might have a plan, but she couldn't just sit back and wait. She had her own ideas-starting with her sister, Cassandra.

Dialing Cassandra's number, she waited as the phone rang.

"Vix?" Cassandra's familiar voice answered on the other end.

"Cassy, I need your help." Vixen wasted no time getting to the point. "The Godfather nearly had me killed. I need to take him down, but I can't do it alone. We need people-people who hate him as much as we do."

Cassandra was silent for a moment, then replied, her tone deadly serious. "You mean forming an alliance?"

"Exactly. People who have a grudge against him, people he's betrayed. There have to be others out there."

Cassandra let out a slow breath. "You're right. I can think of a few names already. I'll start looking. Marcus might know some people too."

Marcus Valdez, Cassandra's close friend, was a sharp-witted and resourceful man. If anyone could track down allies, it was him.

"Start with him," Vixen urged. "We need this to happen fast."

Cassandra chuckled darkly. "You know me. I don't like to waste time. Let's do this."

Cassandra met up with Marcus later that night in a dimly lit bar on the outskirts of town. They sat in a booth at the back, away from prying eyes. Marcus, with his slicked-back hair and sharp eyes, sipped his drink thoughtfully as Cassandra laid out the plan.

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