new school

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first chapterr

1989s POV:

i woke up to the dreading sound of my alarm clock and my mom making something for breakfast downstairs, i didn't want to get up until i realized that it was the first day of school.

I threw on a pair of baggy jeans and a light blue top with a white sweater around my waist and went downstairs to find my mom and my little sister waiting for me.

My mom had made me a piece of toast for breakfast which i told her i wasn't hungry and went to school, i was very nervous about school and i needed to find some friends (i can't be friendless that would be embarrassing)

i walked in to the school and found my locker with a girl in a white cardigan and light blue jeans standing next to it

nine: hi! i'm nine

lorie: hi i'm folklore or lorie you can call me me what you want

nine: lorie it is, are you in my grade?

lorie: grade 11?

nine: mhm!

lorie: yeah what's your first class?

we talked for a bit and realized we had different first periods but she walked me to class and then left

i can do it
it's just one class without her

i greeted the physics teacher and she sat me down near the back of the class with an empty seat by me we were about 10 minutes in to class when a very tired but very gorgeous girl walked in

teacher: nice of you to join us midnights

she gave her a sarcastic smile and walked off, the teacher seemed very unbothered and unsurprised that she was late, she walked fully into the class and of course sat next to me, she was wearing dark blue jeans with a tight white top and had multiple ear piercings and tons of rings

nine: hi!

midnights: hi?

she said that with a bit of attitude so i decided not to say anything else to her because she looked a little mean but she was hot- wait, i'm not gay.

i jumped out of my thoughts when i heard the girl beside me clear her throat

midnights: staring much?

oh god

nine: oh uhm sorry i'm just tired

midnights: stop talking so much

and i did she scared me, i was listening to the teacher and she fell asleep the teacher left the room for a minute and the class was acting like monkeys. Suddenly, i heard someone whistle and it caught my attention

boy: hey

i smiled signaling that he could come closer and he walked over

boy: hi i'm james ur really fine can i get your number

oh okay
nine: sorry but-

idk what it was but that sprung midnights out of her sleep she had an angry look on her face

midnights: james leave her alone no one wants to go out with you and ur ugly ass face you literally are built like a cereal box learn how to talk to a girl if you want her number.

that shut him up.

nine: thank-

midnights: shut up


Class finally ended and i tried to find lorie as quick as i could and from what i remember we had next class together. I was walking in the halls and i saw her talking to a girl dressed in mostly purple with a high ponytail and tight curls, folklores face looked flushed she couldn't stop staring at her i waved at her and snapped her out of her little fantasies and she waved back and said bye to the girl

lorie: hi nine! what do you have now

nine: same as you remember? who's that girl

folklore smiled at the floor at my question

lorie: she's my friend, oh and by the way you should sit with me and my friends for lunch today

nine: i would love to! only if they're okay with it

lorie: yeah of course they're really nice

nine: oh shit were late

lorie: oops let's go

we went to class and sat down and talked the entire time and i told her about what happened in physics and she looked shocked

lorie: midnights? midnights stood up for you?

nine: well yeah why are you so shocked

lorie: she's like the meanest person in the school i didn't know she had it in her

nine: well i did try to say thanks after and she told me to shut up soo

lorie: oh

we continued talking and i realized we had a lot in common but for some reason i couldn't stop thinking about midnights.

772 words sorry for short chapter

i hope you guys like this and please tell me if there's anything i can do better and if you want another part

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