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listening to LUNCH rn 😋

1989s POV:

it was finally lunch, i needed a break from all this work so i sat down with lorie and her friend group the second we got to the table lorie wouldn't stop staring at who i i soon found outs name is speak now. There was three other girls at the table red who was complaining to lover about some boy named ben , but it seemed lover could care less she was sitting on this emo girls lap and was just staring at her it was a bit weird.

red: lover are you even listening

lover: yeah sorry, can you explain again tho i forgot what you were talking about

the emo girl laughed and kissed her head and said she had to use the bathroom.

nine: who's that?

i whispered to folklore as i watched her walk away

lorie: that rep i think you two would get along, she's dating lover btw

nine: ohhh okay

lorie: how come you're not eating anything

nine: i'm not hungry

i was hungry

lorie: okay then

nine: i'm gonna go to the bathroom really quick

as i walked over to the bathroom i noticed her, midnights sitting on the floor smoking?? i shit her a confused look and she just flipped me off and asked if i had a problem i just walked away and then james came up to me, god why is it always him

james: hey you!

he shouted and i turned around

nine: hi?

james: so i never got to properly ask because that bitch interrupted me-

midnights: leave her alone if i catch you taking to her again i swear i will beat you up you wouldn't want that to happen again would you james?

thats so hot
i wish she would beat me up
i'm not gay
well maybe for her

james: no sorry

again? james walked away and midnights sat down near me and pulled out her phone how can she just act like nothing happened

i was gonna walk back to my table when some girl with curly hair came up to me and handed me an invitation and said

girl: come to my party tonight bring all your friends

party on a school night?

nine: okay thanks

she ran away and high fives one of her friends

393 words very short chapter sorry

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