Chapter 3: The weight of shadows

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*(Elena's POV)*

The rain hadn't let up since last night, and now the air was thick with the scent of wet concrete and gasoline. The kind of night where everything felt heavier, like the city was trying to crush you under its weight. But I didn't have time to think about the rain or the cold creeping into my bones.

I had a job to do.

I adjusted the jacket around me, keeping my head low as I walked through the streets toward the safehouse. My mind was still reeling from the docks—the gunfire, the shouting, the blood. My first real mission with the Salvatore crew, and it had almost gone to hell.

No one expected me to come out of it unscathed. But I had.

A part of me hated that I handled it so well. Another part of me knew I couldn't afford to feel anything about it. Not yet.

The safehouse was just ahead, a nondescript building tucked between two others like it didn't matter. And maybe it didn't. But to the Salvatore organization, it was a critical point of operations. Luca had called me here for a debrief, though I could feel in my gut that it wasn't going to be that simple.

I pushed the door open and stepped inside, shaking off the rain from my jacket. The room was dimly lit, with the familiar scent of smoke hanging in the air. Luca was already there, leaning against the wall, arms crossed, watching me as I walked in. His sharp eyes missed nothing.

"You're late," he said flatly, his voice cutting through the silence.

"I had to make sure I wasn't being followed," I replied, keeping my voice calm, steady. I wasn't about to give him any excuses, but I wasn't going to let him think I was careless either.

He gave me a long look, then nodded slightly. "Smart."

I didn't move, waiting for him to say more, but Luca was always the kind of man who liked to take his time. He was Dominic Salvatore's right hand for a reason. Calculated, dangerous, and always one step ahead. I had to be careful around him, more than anyone else.

"The boss is asking about you," he said, breaking the silence again.

My heart skipped a beat, though I kept my expression neutral. *The boss*. I knew he meant Dominic. I'd heard plenty about him before I ever stepped foot into his world. Dominic Salvatore was a name that carried weight—fear, respect, control. But now, being a part of his organization, the reality of working under him felt different. The tension was thick whenever his name came up, even when he wasn't in the room.

I hadn't spoken to him yet. Not directly. And if I had it my way, I wouldn't. I was here to gather intel, not to get too close. I had a mission, and Dominic Salvatore was just a part of the puzzle. Nothing more.

"And what does he want?" I asked, keeping my tone as casual as I could manage.

"He's curious about you," Luca said, eyes narrowing slightly. "You're new. You did well at the docks, but you're still untested."

Curious. I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a problem. Either way, it meant I was on Dominic's radar now. That complicated things.

"I'm just here to do my job," I said coolly. "Same as everyone else."

Luca smirked at that, pushing himself off the wall and walking closer. His presence filled the room, a tangible pressure I couldn't ignore. "You're not like everyone else. You're too smart for that."

I stayed still, not giving him the satisfaction of seeing me flinch. I knew what he was doing. Luca had a way of digging at people, trying to find their weaknesses. But I wasn't about to let him find mine.

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