Chapter 4: Beneath the Surface

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*(Elena's POV)*

The rooftop had become a strange sort of sanctuary. At first, it was just a place to escape the noise, a brief respite from the underworld that now consumed my every waking moment. But after that first encounter with Dominic, I found myself returning to the same spot after every meeting. I told myself it was coincidence—just a habit—but deep down, I knew better.

It was never just a habit when it came to Dominic Salvatore.

The meetings with the syndicate always followed the same pattern: discussions filled with tension, talk of power moves, rival gangs, and the constant threat of betrayal. I sat quietly, played my part, and listened. But afterward, when the tension was still thick in the air, I always drifted toward the stairs, climbing to the rooftop. And every time, Dominic would follow, though neither of us ever said it out loud.

At first, it was unspoken. We never acknowledged the routine we'd built—meeting on the roof, sharing a few moments of quiet that seemed to strip away the layers of who we were supposed to be. But each time, it felt more deliberate, like we were both going up there with the hope that the other would show up too.

Tonight was no different. The meeting had been longer than usual, the tension palpable as discussions grew heated. Luca had been in a particularly bad mood, casting suspicious glances my way more often than usual. I kept my head down, making mental notes, while Dominic had remained silent for most of it, watching the room with that calculating stare he wore so well.

When the meeting finally adjourned, I didn't waste any time. I slipped away from the others and made my way up to the roof. The cool night air greeted me as I stepped outside, and I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. I didn't have to look over my shoulder to know that Dominic would follow. He always did.

I settled into the familiar spot on the bench, waiting. Sure enough, a few minutes later, I heard the soft creak of the door opening. Dominic stepped out, his silhouette framed against the city skyline. He glanced at me, but neither of us said anything right away. It had become part of the routine—this comfortable silence that stretched between us.

He lit a cigarette, his eyes drifting over the city below, before finally speaking. "Long meeting tonight."

I nodded. "Luca was on edge."

"He's always on edge," Dominic muttered, a hint of frustration in his voice. "But he has his reasons."

I stayed quiet, letting the conversation hang in the air. I could feel his gaze shift toward me, but I didn't meet it. Instead, I stared up at the stars, faint as they were behind the glow of the city lights.

"I've noticed you've been coming up here more often," he said after a while, his voice softer now. "Seems like we both have."

I glanced over at him, the corner of my mouth lifting slightly. "Maybe it's just the best place to think."

"Or maybe it's because we're avoiding the noise downstairs," he replied, a slight smirk tugging at his lips. "You and I—we're not like the others. We don't have to talk to fill the space."

His words caught me off guard. He was right—there was something about these rooftop meetings that felt different, like we didn't have to pretend to be anyone else up here. But that realization also made me uneasy. I couldn't afford to get too close, and yet... I kept coming back.

I shifted on the bench, pulling my jacket tighter around me. "I guess I've just gotten used to it."

Dominic took another drag from his cigarette, exhaling slowly before turning to face me fully. "So have I."

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