The Calm Before the Surge

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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the city as you stood on the rooftop of headquarters, the breeze cool against your skin. After a day of battle, the quiet was a welcome reprieve, yet it was tinged with unease. You couldn’t shake the feeling that something bigger was on the horizon—something darker.

The door to the rooftop creaked open, and you didn’t have to turn to know it was Hoshina. His presence was unmistakable, a comforting and steady force in your life.

"You’ve been hard to find," he said, stepping beside you, his eyes scanning the horizon. He was calm as always, but you noticed the subtle tension in his jaw.

You smirked, though it felt half-hearted. "Just needed some air. Everything okay?"

Hoshina glanced at you, his dark eyes flickering with something unreadable. "There’s been a new report."

You turned to face him fully, the weariness from earlier fading as your instincts sharpened. "Another kaiju?"

He nodded. "This one’s different. Bigger. Smarter. The higher-ups are concerned it might be coordinating the attacks we’ve been seeing."

A chill ran down your spine at his words. Kaiju were always terrifying, but the idea of one with real intelligence—one that could lead—was a new kind of horror.

"What’s the plan?" you asked, already anticipating the mission that would inevitably follow.

Hoshina’s lips thinned. "They want me to lead a team to intercept it. I requested that you be part of it."

You blinked in surprise. He didn’t usually request specific people for his team unless the mission was critical. The fact that he had requested you—especially after what he’d said earlier about not wanting to lose you—made your heart race.

"Why me?" you asked, though you had an idea of the answer.

Hoshina looked at you, his eyes serious. "Because I trust you more than anyone else." His words were simple, but the weight behind them was heavy.

You felt your chest tighten, a mixture of pride and something else—something that had been simmering between the two of you for weeks now. Before you could respond, Hoshina turned his gaze back to the city.

"We leave at dawn," he said, his tone all business again. "Get some rest."

He began to walk away, but before he reached the door, you called out to him. "Hoshina."

He stopped, looking over his shoulder, waiting.

"Be careful tomorrow. I… I don’t want to lose you either."

His eyes softened at your words, and for a brief moment, you saw the man behind the cold exterior—the man who cared, even if he rarely showed it. He gave you a small nod before disappearing through the door.


The next morning, the mission was underway.

Your squad, led by Hoshina, moved quickly through the city’s outskirts, where the last kaiju sighting had been reported. The area was eerily quiet, the kind of quiet that made the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

"Hoshina, anything on the scanners?" you asked, keeping your voice low.

He shook his head, his expression tense. "Nothing yet, but stay sharp. It’s close."

Your team advanced, weapons at the ready, eyes scanning the desolate streets. The buildings around you loomed tall and broken, their windows shattered like jagged teeth. The destruction from previous kaiju battles was everywhere—charred cars, crumbling walls, and streets that had been torn apart.

Kaiju Hearts: Beneath the Blades Soshiro Hoshina x Fem reader (AI GENERATED)Where stories live. Discover now